Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Ivy roots

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Just a quick one. Are ivy roots persistant like say ground elder or bindweed?

If you leave in any of the main stem (even below ground) it will almost certainly regrow, but remove this (or better still kill it back with Deep Root) and you should have no trouble

Mrs Ava:
Bl**dy ivy!  Got a wacking great trunk of it in my garden and I can't get it up for love nor money, and there are loads of plants around it so it would mean digging all them up to try and get the ivy root up, and yes, it keeps on shooting out!  I just nip off all the new growth as soon as I see them and bin, not compost as I worry they will just grow in the heap!

Dear Emma Jane (or may I call you E.J.?), get a packet of Deep Root (which is in crystaline form), make downward slicing cuts through the bark of the trunk, and pour in the neat crystals.  Goodbye Ivy!  

yep, it's a 'mare


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