Photo Gallery > Fun Photos

Cat Burglar

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Oh, Roy, I know its cute, I know its funny BUT everytime I look at the pic (and I've kept going back and looking at it over the days) I get a sort of chill - what if, what if  :o Silly me I know  :(

Never thought of it like that Roy - can see what you mean :D  Looking at it in a whole new light now ;D  Trouble is, when I copied it, it was more square, but has become elongated so I will look for a more appropriate one  ;) :)


PS That's a great one you've got Wicker - where did you find that :D

Don't know where I picked it up - somewhere on a Halloween site I think but used it because it is the image of my wee cat Belle - she is compeltely back and you only see her mouth when she opens it to meow.

Is this better on the eye Roy ;D ;) :)

That's lovely - where do I look to find avatars?


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