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I buy gallons of the stuff very cheaply from a Chinese supermarket (See Woo in Greenwich) and use it for lots of cleaning jobs. I also use it to make flavoured vinegar (raspberry, blackberry etc) for salads and gravies.

Well, a few weeks after treating the dog urine and poop smell on my concrete floor, I have a conclusion.....

The vinegar smell was quite unpleasant for a while, probably because I used so much :icon_shaking2:.

Now, there is a faint vinegar smeel but no yucky smell.  :hello2:

Therefore, I conclude that white vinegar is the saviour of my concrete floor. :wav:

I think I'll give it another wash down with Zoflora now, as I know the nasty smells have gone, so a floral one will be nice and Iknow it's not just masking a nasty smell  :blob7:

...and I have just noticed Jeannine's question about how many people make their own. I made some a few months ago from apple peelings and am just making some more. Not as strong tasting as commercial vinegar, but more or less free using own apples and water and a "mother-of-vinegar" I found at the bottom of my See Woo giant container when I finally emptied it.

Good to see another See-Woo shopper on here!  I have just run out of fish sauce and a few other staples so I might do a run at the weekend.  I always go in for a couple of things and end up with bags and bags of the stuff..

My kettle got covered in limescale  inside ,no matter how much washing I gave it ,the limescale never went away properly! I ended bying a £5 kettle from Asda and filled the old kettle up with vinegar for a week, the vinegar worked a treat but also my £5 kettle was faster boiling ,didn't wake the dead up when boiling! so much for the £80 kettle never again :BangHead: 


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