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Raking on my plot UPDATE!


i spent a glorious 2 hours raking the bits on my plot the whole 11 poles of it! yes i got a sneaky extra pole!it measures about 87 feet by 35 feet so i am well pleased, my mum has said it is way too big and i am mad but that makes me even more deterrmined to suceed and make my plot something so special for me and my children!
the blokes are gonna torch the bits i have rakes and then rotivate it for me so all i am wondering is what to do next? do i just hand pick up the weed roots and bits? there is still a lot of crap on the ground like old carrots and parsnips and onions but i have a good old clump of rhubarb that i am so pleased about. how do i know if it is well established or not?
i am so proud of myself it is brimming over the top of me! i will go down there to take photos at the weekend! (hooray only a day to go!) and post for all to see!i have a plum tree aswell that looks as if it may have bacterial canker? wondering what on earth to do with it?
well guys there is my update!

Jemmax xx

Roy Bham UK:
I can tell by the way you have written this that you are well overjoyed and excited, you got me bouncing up and down on my swiivel chair at one point. ;D
Really pleased for you and by the sounds of it you have some great and friendly Lottie mates too, willing to give a hand. ;)

Roy 8)

I read that so quickly, carried along by your ebullience, that I had to go back and read it again to absorb it!
What to do next? I would clear the trash off and start a compost heap. Then sow some green manure, of your choice, for the winter. I find rye particularly good at suppressing annual weeds. With reference to Hugh's comments in wireworm and spuds in 'Edible Plants' perhaps you should decide where you are going to plant potatoes and sow some mustard?
Well established rhubarb will benefit from re-juvenation. Try to see it the petioles are well spaced out. This may be due to the rhizomes having grown out from a central planting over many years exhausting both the soil and the plant.
Will the plum provide a lot of shade? Do you really want it enough to have to deal with the canker?

Well doen Jem - cant wait to see those photos



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