Allotment Stuff > The Basics

storing seed potatoes


hi all.
       i'm just a little bit unsure about what to do with my seed potatoes.i've bought first early,second early,early maincrop and late maincrop.i've just started chitting my first earlies(winston).what should i be doing with the others?at the moment i'm keeping them in poor light, in a cool room, still in the bags that they came in.
  any advice will be gratefully received.all the best.

The gardener:
I would chit them all at the same time

I know that Stephan is holding some back - with experience - but, for the 'average chap', I would agree with getting  them out of the bags and into the light. = Tim

Whether you get them into the light now or not they really should be out of the bag and into trays/boxes.


- great site? - that's why we're all here!! = Tim


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