Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Ammonium persulphate


Been down to the lottie today, I've had the lottie for just over 6 months and am in the process of sorting through rubbish left by the previous owner. Today I found 2 tubs marked ammonium persulphate and I've no idea what it is, checked on internet and there is some mention of it being a soil conditioner. I'd be grateful for any advice.

Gut feeling? Bin it. It's not exactly your most needed additive? = Tim

Thanks Tim.......intend to, but I just wondered if the previous owner had used it on the lottie and if so what for.

Ammonium persulfate crystals are used as an alternative to  ferric chloride solutions for copper etching.

I don't think it would have any horticultural application.

I thought, perhaps, he might have been engraving his own labels!! = Tim


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