Allotment Stuff > The Basics


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I bought 3 blueberry bushes and planted them on my plot, I know read that they need an acidic soil for best results. How can I achieve this - my plot is nice and neutral and needs to stay that way. Can I just water them with a vinegar solution ?

Made some duff wine then eh BB? ;D

I think you can get stuff to water in but that will only ever be a temporary solution(no pun intended). If you don`t mind using it I suggest you dig in a load of peat around them and see how you get on.


I have got a couple of bushes on order and my plan is to dig a giant hole, fill it with ericacious compost and plant them in that.

Then I will only water them with rainwater and put leafmold around them (both are acidic).

Ten x

Can vouch for that Ten, did that with any ericacious needy plants in my garden (good, fertile loam) and worked a treat.  Didn't need to do anything else, just tended to mulch every now and again with peat.


yes I agree with both Tenuse and Kate,but BB has already planted them. it`s a tough call between seeing how they go and digging them up and planting in ericacious compost-and that is not a cheap option for the likely yield of fruit.



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