Author Topic: You are the first to know!!  (Read 5001 times)


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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2008, 22:35:59 »
Jeannine - when I came back to England in 2000 I used Allied International of which Pickfords is a part here in the UK. They were excellent. There was a small amount of damage to my desk and a cabinet but the insurance paid for the repairs without a murmur. I did a 40ft container removal including packing in Calgary and unpacking here in Paignton. They stored my goods till I was ready to receive them here and I thought their price was pretty reasonable.



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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2008, 00:01:51 »
Jeannine, I'm delighted for you and John. It must have been a huge relief to discover you both felt the same. Now you can really make plans!

And though the time difference might make it difficult for us all to chat, it'll be nice to know that you and GrannieAnnie will be taking care of business on the Graveyard Shift!

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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2008, 00:13:21 »
Jeannine I'm delighted for you and the old man and wish you well  :-*. But i have got to ask....why? :'(


  • Acre
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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2008, 07:13:02 »
Good luck Jeannine - for the next few months of sorting through, clearing out and packing (I have always found it exhausting, but oh so necessary! - time we moved again methinks!)  and then more good luck for when you move!     :)


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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2008, 09:31:28 »
Good luck Jeannine  ;D Fantastic news for you XXXX
The Devil Invented Dandelions!


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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2008, 12:10:45 »
Yes everybody is correct in saying use Pickfords. You must choose a big well established company particulary iat a time when smaller companies are going bust. You you pick a small one that's cheaper and it goes bust while your goods are in transport you lose's worth paying extra.


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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2008, 12:13:22 »
We've always used Pickfords when moving from country to country, never been let down.  :) :) :)
The Tuscan Beaneater


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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2008, 13:36:47 »
Just wanted to say good luck, and happy planning... ;D
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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2008, 23:08:10 »
Don't know how I missed this! Utterly gobsmacked but on reflection can empathise with the nostalgia for a much loved place and absent friends? Good luck!! Bon voyage!!

you'll remember:"We'll meet again .. don't know where don't know when...?"

Folk like you are only ever round the corner                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


  • Acre
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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2008, 09:06:01 »
Folk like you are only ever round the corner 

my sentiments entirely   :-*

good luck to you both  ;)
Life is to short !!!


  • Hectare
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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2008, 11:14:34 »
Great Jeannine! I hope you enjoy the move back despite the hassle! Looking forward to new ideas from you over there is the Wild North! Take care and keep in touch!
2012 - Snow in February, non-stop rain till July. Blight and rot are rife. Thieving voles cause strife. But first runner beans and lots of greens. Follow an English allotment in urban France:


  • Hectare
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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2008, 12:11:38 »
I missed your initial posting because I was in France. 

A life changing decision Jeannine but then as you were so happy in Canada in the past, I can see why you want to return.  What about your family?  Have you got anyone still in Canada?   What made you come back here and live in Hull in the first place, is that your home town?  Are you covered for medical problems out there or will you have to pay privately for any treatment?  So many questions but then I am a nosey person or maybe I am just a little concerned that you are making such a big decision.

I hope you and John will be very happy Jeannine and please keep in touch. 


  • Acre
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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2008, 12:39:02 »
Just to say good luck.
You will stay with our digital community, at least every now and then? Please?
Big hug,


  • Hectare
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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2008, 15:48:06 »
Grawc, it is funny you quoted that our family we sort of feel we own it, it was my Dad's favourite and a phrase he said whenever he even left the house, and of course it was the last tune we heard as we left the church after his cremation, it was quite moving as they raised the sound as we exited.

Pauline.. I don't mind the questions.

1. We have never truly settled and still look on it as home.

2, All Johns' family are there and 3 of our children.Others in the States and Holland so we are well stretched out.

3. We personally have private medical through my husbands old company which is valid .This is one of the reasons we are going as the care we can get there is far superipr than here and both of us need it.

4, Hull was my home town, it is a very different Hull though. One son had come back and  a second was talking of coming..but after we came back a few years later  my youngest son married and  left the country, My other son got a job offer in the US that he could't turn down so the plans wet off kilter.

5. The standard of living is better and we miss our friends and family and members of our church.

I will of course stay in touch and no doubt will continue to snd seeds etc.

Antipodes, you gave me a laugh.. the bit we are going to is far from wild.. actually the weather for eg  is warmer than here!!

In touch with Pickfords as we speak, thank you.

 XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.

Old bird

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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2008, 16:33:42 »

Silly question but I am curious when did you last live there and why did you come back to Blighty last time?

Seems that you were leaving more behind you in Canada than you were coming to Britain for. 

Seems a terrible wrench to leave your animals - can't they go with you too?  I could no more part with mine than fly to the moon - so must be incredibly difficult for you.

I though that the Canadians were difficult about people using their health service - ie the British family that got turned back recently having been accepted for immigration, because their young daughter suffered from Spina bifida.  Although the National Health Service treats all and sundry - from any and all countries round the world.

I thought that Church friends were the same round the world!  Welcoming  people into their fold.   Family friends are different but Church friends tend to be everywhere - or is it just me!

One of my workmates is Canadian and she hated their weather she found the summers too hot and the winters too snowy which is why she came to this country.  She comes from Montreal.  Are you going to be living anywhere near there?  She is not a gardener though!

Such an enormous life change so soon after the enormous life change of coming back to this country. You aren't well anyway - aren't you scared that it may make you even more ill than you are all ready all the stress involved etc. I would not be that brave going so far having left the place not so long ago - what if you don't like it again?

Scary stuff - Although I do wish you well.  When are you going?  It sounds as though you are going any minute!  Do you have somewhere to move into out there or are you going to have to look for a home when  you get there?

Old Bird



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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #35 on: September 24, 2008, 17:48:19 »
Hope everything goes smoothly Jeannine  :)

I've been to Canada 3 times in my life ... every time in Toronto region. And every time I went on the boat under Niagara Falls! BEAUTIFUL!

I just know that you're going to be happy back there! Sometimes in the Summer here I go out and breathe in summer air (if it's hot!) and say to myself ... "That's Canadian Heat"

All my loive

Trix XXX
The Devil Invented Dandelions!


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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #36 on: September 24, 2008, 18:21:46 »
J, I missed this part of the jigsaw puzzle too....I'd initially skipped over the "what would you take with you" thread cos I'm a gypsy at heart and, like Katynewbie, my must-haves are and have been very few, but then I read your distress message in the other place yesterday and responded to that...btw...haven't looked yet, so I'll catch up there later after I've got food..I too have been away for a while and missed this.

Well done, you and John!Go where the heart tells you to go and where you'll be at peace and amongst your own. It'll feel like Coming Home, promise you.  Thank the Lord that John's health insurance will allow you to do this, too. Agree that the level of health care is so far superior to here and therefore the quality of both your lives - but it costs. And without a solid health insurance scheme to pick up the bills it would have been a non-starter wouldn't it? lights are GO...

You've got your removers sorted now? Another thumbs-up for Pickfords from me.

Lots of love from me to you and John,

Lish xxx


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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #37 on: September 24, 2008, 18:44:37 »
Old Bird..we left in Sept of 2000 so 8 years ago and came back for reasons mentioned in earlier post..sons etc.

We are Canadian citizens. Re health service we have fully paid up private insurance for life through my husbands old company that he retired from.

Re church we are Mennonites, the only Mennonite church in the Uk is 250 miles from us.

Monteal is on the East coast, very cold and harsh in the winter, we are going to BC, it is the warmest part with the longest growing season in Canada..much longer and warmer than here.

We never stopped liking BC, we love it and are really pleased to be going home.

Basically we are going when we are ready to go but at the latest by next July,but will be much sooner I think. We can't book a date until we ahve everything ready but wqe are packing and selling stuff now, as soon as it is all ready we will go. My rough guess is Januaryish.

It is very hard to leave the animals but  there is simply no choice on that one and the arrangements for the dogs  are excellent , the kitties we still have to organise but again it will be very good arrangements , we will not leave till that is done in a way  that we are very happy with  that is number one, it really is the thing that will hold us up actually.

We have friends and family to go to but will find our own spot  very quickly, it is quite easy over there.

Re my health, and the same for John..BC is a much better place to be with what John has and as our medical plan is so good compared to here it is a big factor in our decision.

We are quite isolated here, whereas there we have a good network of support.

And apart from all of the above... I miss digging clams....

 Trixie, I shall be thinking of you when I breathe in the fact, get your passport up to date and get you and squidgy over there for a few weeks  to breathe with us.He would love it. We will be half an hour from the US border, and just over the border (we used to have our 5th wheel parked there) I can get back on the beaches and dig clams till I am full..oh boy I miss them.

We aren't scared, if it was 100 years ago we would have been going in a covered wagon, not a Jumbo Jet.

What is  scary.. is all the organising, but I am good at packing so not a problem, it is not the same as emigrating as we do know what we are going to and our ties have been very strong since we left so we are just going home really.

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


  • Hectare
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Re: You are the first to know!!
« Reply #38 on: September 24, 2008, 19:09:34 »
Jeannine I wish you the best with your move.

May I ask you why it is not possible to take your dogs.?


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