Allotment Stuff > The Basics

fleece frame for carrots

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was thinking of making a frame so that I can surround carrots with fleece. Anyone made one of these- any tips? I know that fleece can tear easily if nailed to wood.

also, do parsnips get affected by carrot fly?

I haven't made one yet as this is my first carrot year, but I was thinking of poking short bits of cane into the ground (where they won't damage the carrots) and then wrapping the fleece round and attaching with clothes pegs. Then it's easier to move and reuse as necessary. Not sure if it'll work, but that's my thoughts!

I did that for my broad beans and found that the pegs got pulled off and the fleece torn by the wind...but it is quite an exposed site.

Why bother? - just  spread it, leaving slack at the edges - use the T pegs to anchor it. OK, there'll be holes here & there, but no matter. The broccoli & cauli under here grew to maturity with out moving anything. = Tim

Our plot's a bit too exposed to certain winds to just drape the fleece over the bed - but, some flytipper kindly chucked a length of yellow flexible tubing (like very tough hose) over the fence - great stuff.

Stick a cane in each end of the pipe/hose, bend it into a u, and stick the canes in the ground.  Make two or three hoops, drape the fleece over and peg it down.

Lengths of ordinary garden hose isn't firm enough to make hoops - though I suppose you could use higher canes, and garden hose as "horizontals"?

All best - Gavin


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