Author Topic: You Are What You Eat?  (Read 3892 times)

feet of clay

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You Are What You Eat?
« on: August 12, 2004, 22:47:06 »
Watched the prog, bought the book and thought I'd give it a go - but perhaps not quite as radically as the 'victims' on the box.
Day 3 and I'm managing not to feel hungry despite shi**ing through the eye of a needle.  Porridge for brekky, home-made soup (with my toms and courgettes etc) for lunch and not very much for my evening meal. I have a bun with my soup and a small lager in the evening and I'm down to 2 cups of coffee a day.  Trying to eat more fruit and I've started sprouting seeds to add to my salad.  I wondered if anyone else was having a 'go' at this eating plan and if they have noticed any improvement in their health.  
The only thing that worries me is that Doctor Gillian doesn't look the picture of health herself and she's not a very happy bunny either.................

Mrs Ava

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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2004, 23:06:39 »
No, we are not following such a radical plan, and yup Doctor G is a misery!!!  We eat quite healthily, at least 6 portions of fruit or veg in a day, and frequently more, low salt, low fat and low sugar.  Jesus it's boring!  I tend to only cook fresh food, nothing really prepacked.  Plus, unfortunately, we exercise.  Saturdays are our day off though, vino and bacon butties all round!  ;D

feet of clay

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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2004, 23:23:11 »
It's a lot easier to rip open a packet from M&S than all this peeling and chopping malarky.  Worse still, I'm no less kna*kered than I was last week - eating less good stuff and more rubbish - choc and biccies being my downfall with fried everything if I can.  I'm not nearly as strict as Dr G and I'm a lot more cheerful - ironically, everyone comments on how well I look.


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2004, 08:45:52 »
don't know who Dr G is, so must have missed this one.  I'm just never in the loop!!  Can you give me a quick rundown?

I do know however, that in the last 6 weeks when lotty harvesting began in earnest my husband has several times commented on how much more energy he has, the general complexions of the whole family is clear and glowing - my 19yr old daughter's 'troubled' skin is looking fabulous, and we've all lost a bit of weight and we are certainly not eating less!  Husband also noted that when I'm preparing dinner he can smell the different veg cooking, rather than just 'food' smells.  And don't get me started on the taste!


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2004, 09:35:56 »
I didn't watch the programme either - what's the rules of this diet?

I don't eat prepacked food either - dinners are always homemade, from fresh whole foods. We don't eat meat and have a very low fat, low salt diet from all the fresh stuff.

Prepackaged food might be easier, but it's so boring. They pump them full of fat and salt to make them taste of something. Plus cooking for yourself shouldn't be seen as a chore, but as a creative act - I love it - really get to express myself through food. Even more satisfying when you've grown the thing yourself!

I used to find that half an hour after eaten packaged food I was hungry again (I do have a very fast metabolism). But now I eat a big salad at lunch and I'm full till dinner and I have so much more energy. We hardly ever get ill and when we do we fight it off easily.

The stomach will settle down - see it as your body's way of ridding itself of all the chemicals and such!
gone to pot :D


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2004, 10:52:58 »
Pumpkin seeds are all you need to eat apparently  :o

Mrs Gumboot

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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2004, 13:45:49 »
Hubby's very keen on Atkins & I won't have any of it!

I'm afraid that I love my food too much to even contemplate all this 'diet plan' rubbish (didn't like the look of DrG myself). I don't have the willpower to eat my fourth salad of the week.

We generally eat fairly heathily (ie, not everything is deep fried ;D ), and I'm happy to stick with that.  I'm sure that by looking at some of these plans we probably would lose a bit. However, I couldn't stick with it & if I did I'd be miserable!

Instead I'm trying to cut our portion sizes (I have an unfortunate tendancy to cook for three, despite there only being two of us), and get a heck of a lot more exercise.


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2004, 23:05:09 »
You are so right f.o.c. Dr G is not a happy bunny - so nippy she is!!  Me, I believe in moderation in all things and a little of what you fancy!  We eat lots of fresh veg (naturally), lots of fish as well as smaller quantities of red meat, chicken and pork - bit of everything but virtually no junk food.  Don't have a sweet tooth but my comfort food is chips done in dripping - no oven chips nor done in healthy oil!
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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2004, 23:07:21 »
Oh yes Dr G isn't what I would aspire to look like. It's funny that a lot of these guru's aren't exactly the best looking advertisement for their diet. I think she's too strict, she does need to be strict with the lot that she's had on her program. However the kensington & chelsea set that are now following her diet really have no need to be so strict. I was watching her on good food live on uktv food and she used to be seriously overweight, so much so that she had a permanent migrane for two years. In the end her boyfriend now husband dumped her in a microbiotic camp for a few days for her birthday. I think she has a serious fear of ever being that big again so she is over strict with what she eats.

I'm fed up of people telling me that white bread is junk, it's bad for you blah blah blah. Well, I was reading the nutritional information and there's not that much difference between white and brown/wholemeal/granary bread. In some cases the white had more protein, less sugar and less saturated fat. :P
« Last Edit: August 16, 2004, 23:08:28 by sarahr »


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2004, 07:32:34 »
Must admit Sarah,

I find most white bread is tasteless pap,unless seeds etc added.They zap it full of stuff to make it more nutritionally acceptable,and pump it up with air and water.

Wholemeal has more natural taste,texture,fibre and is slow burn so it releases its energy over a period helping to keep you going and helping to avoid snacking esp junk.

They've had to try to stop people feeding the white stuff to swans locally as it was causing deficiencies.

As much as it seems heavier,wholegrain is better for you I think.

Sadly modern pressures of work and family,long hours expected,make it harder to cook and eat healthily.I find it relaxing to cook most times when I come home,unless very late,with radio and TV on,or watching birds out of window.

I think as you get older too you appreciate the value of wholesome additive free food and being able to cook things just as you like and without lots of sugar,salt and fat and chemicals.I think it probably helps health-wise too!


Toots :) ;)


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2004, 11:39:13 »
You have a point that wholemeal bread may feels heavier, however when you look at the back of the packets there is very little nuitritional difference between white and wholemeal bread. I used to check when I was on weight watchers.
People should eat more fibre but this draconian attitude of insulting white bread in favour of wholemeal isn't going to encourage them to eat it, especially when people read the nuitritional information. More effort should be made to encourage eating of other sources of fibre - porridge, bran, bran flakes etc.

The business with swans and birds in general is nothing to do with white bread it's more to do with people feeding birds in general. If birds are being fed by humans they are not going out hunting and searching for worms and grubs and things. So they are effectively not getting a nutritionally balanced diet. People shouldn't feed birds, when I was at school I was taught not to feed them at certain times of the year, I foget when now. I think it was in winter because then they wouldn't go off to warmer climes and then die.


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2004, 16:08:23 »
there's one small problem - Brown bread tastes revolting - yuk!!!  And there is nothing more obscene than brown toast.


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2004, 16:10:48 »
mmm - granery bread.

mmm - white bread (as long as it's not the sliced plastic stuff).

me - I just like bread!
gone to pot :D

Mrs Ava

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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2004, 16:16:04 »
So do I Aqui.  Tis my dieting downfall!  I love it with seeds, sun dried toms, french, granery, milk, sweet, savoury, white, brown.....even the rubbish plassy stuff toasted with lashings of butter!  :P


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2004, 16:18:50 »
actually yes EJ - I lied before - you've reminded me that white sliced toasted with jam is my quick alternative to cake! mmmm.

oooh - you've made me hungry!
gone to pot :D


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2004, 20:40:03 »
By the by it looks like Dr Gillian is a bit of a quack by all accounts. Who here thought she was a medical doctor? Turns out she's got a masters and postal phd from some american university that isn't even accredited by their department for education. There's a piece about it in the guardian, more info here, bought degree

feet of clay

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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2004, 23:53:24 »
Interesting about her not being a medical doctor!  Tonight's prog had a lardy-boy losing 4 stone in eight weeks!
I am making loads of soup a) cos I love soup and b) gotta use all the toms and courgettes somehow.  However, I do have a bun with my lunchtime soup.
I am trying to remember to have breakfast - porrige is the favourite with a bit of dried fruit and a touch of honey.
I start the day with a slice of lemon in hot water.
I am down to two cups of coffee a day.
I have given up eating biscuits (sob) and am trying to avoid chocolate.  (I had chocolate on saturday night and felt really rough the next day!)
Tonight I had the munchies and so I cleaned the bathroom!
Even if I don't lose weight/feel better, my bathroom is gleaming!


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2004, 09:25:56 »
4 stone in 8 weeks is really excessive any real doc will tell you it is not the way to do it and can be more damaging than being overweight.

My Grandad was a nurse and has always worried about me when I drop below what he said was a 'healthy' weight as he has seen so may people damage their health by losing weight so quickly.

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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2004, 09:50:44 »
Yes I thought that was really excessive. He will put that weight back on in no time unless he sticks religiously to that diet. If he had lost two stone in eight weeks it would have been better. I can see how some of her ideas have merits but she really isn't a good advert for the diet - would you want to look like her? She reminds me of the skeletal looking woman who speaks for atkins.


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Re:You Are What You Eat?
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2004, 13:31:38 »
Another daft diet.

If you are going to play with carbos and protein then you need to incorporate fresh veg and fruit to keep you balanced and are alot better off doing this than eating the fats and full fat dairy they suggest. Slimming world is an ideal commercial example of how to play with these correctly.

Personally I think that if you eat sensibly then you can't go far wrong.

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