Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Anyone heard of this variety?

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We have just got our seed potatoes, they are first earlies.  We have just gone with what our Allotment Horti Shed recommended.  They are called "Home Guard".  Anyone heard of them and can tell me if they are any good?  ??? busy_lizzie

This is cribbed from Gardening from Which? 1988;

Modest boiled,modest for chips,modest flavour-pretty poor otherwise-high yield.

But please remember that is just the opinion of the article I am looking at-not tried them myself.


Introduced in 1943!. Says not good in dry conditions. So not a new variety, older than me even.

have just looked on potato guide i got  2 year ago only info i could find on this variety is that  is considered an allotment favourite  Organic catalogue says oval tubers with white skin and flesh their flavour is best if harvested young

my info on this is (good early flavour, not for keeping, good taste.


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