Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Another new lottie owner

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--- Quote ---I've acquired a rusty wobbly wheelbarrow
--- End quote ---

Don't let the poor liitle mite hear you say that  :(  

We acquired a sad looking wheelbarrow but he definitely still has life in him.  

Colin has given up on him though, but I just see it that he now has a new younger friend too take the strain for him  :)


Don't get me wrong, the barrow has my fullest respect, its been in my family longer than me, the wobbly rustiness is merely an additional charming feature, reminding me of childhood days, I remember when.........

Tis a fine one wheeled chariot !!
Apparently it was used by King Knut of the Danes to carry his allotment flotsam to valhalla and back.

Bloody hell im getting stiffer by the hour !!

More digging next week !!


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