Allotment Stuff > The Basics

A new lottie holder from Notts

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Les, where are you from in Notts? Lottie site only 3 metres away,lucky you.Mine's a mile away.

Just returned from my lottie.Have started covering some of the foot paths with bark.Fortunately we've had some dropped off for free.


We live in Sneinton, and have a plot on the Greens Windmill Allotments.

It took an age to sort out the paperwork for it, but we have been niggling the council for this one particular lottie for the past 24 months as its never been tended to.

Lots to do but due to work and the little ones so little time to do it.

Looking forward to get on with it all though.  We have planned out a sketch of what we want to do with it, what veg n stuff to plant where, what varieties to use, a compost area, wildlife garden type area, an area just for the girls to do planting (however with them being so young I think they will be more interested in just digging holes for a while).

As soon as the new gate is in it will be so much easier to get on with it though, hopefully this weekend it will be there.

If you need someone to take some free bark mulch from you just let me know.

Once we have the compost area sorted I intend to pick some manure up, there are a couple of places on the way to Southwell that sell it for 50p a bag, if you need any let me know and I can arrange to drop some off for you(it will still be bagged up, don't worry about a steaming pile of manure landing on your doorstep).

Take care


Les.Thanks for your offer of some manure,but we get a supply of horse manure and bark reguarly dropped off.Unfortunately can't pass any on to people who aren't our site.If you've not got a supply of manure for your site try phoning some stables.They are normally glad to give it away free and some will even deliver free.

We have about 28 plots on our site.There are at least 3 plots still vacant.All are overgrown just like mine was.I hired a petrol strimmer for the day to clear mine.



Your site seems to have it sorted.  I dont think we have a scheme like that in place.  I think most people on our site are very guarded about their lotties, they don't seem to interact with each other that much from what I have seen to date, hopefully as the season improves so will the lottie holders.. :D

It certainly not what I thought it would be like with fellow lotties, chatting/swapping ideas etc...maybe we can change that.

Here's hoping ???



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