Allotment Stuff > The Basics

My First Allotment...Lottie!

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Hi Les and welcome to all new allotment holders,

I have had my allotment for 3-4 yrs now, if there is any advice I can give its as follows:-

Firstly and most importantly, its not a competition.  There will be people on your site (there definitely is on mine) who have immaculate plots, not a weed in site.  Don't feel you need to aim for that, it would be lovely but will only make you frustrated, as everyone else has said - little and often its not a race.  

Secondly, if you can cover some of the other areas you are not digging this year with plastic, carpet anything you can get your hands on.  This will keep down / kill off the weeds in those areas and also stop them from growing and setting seed which will then blow onto the area(s) you have dug.  (i.e. dot leaves).

Thirdly potatoes are supposed to be good for clearing ground, my plot had loads of couch grass which is a very long job digging it all out, but planting potates did seem to help (not sure why, but who cares).

The most important thing is enjoy to yourselves!   :D

Hi All!

We got our lottie at the start of April last year. Been Waiting nearly two years. No time to plan, as we heared about it on the Friday, joined up on the Saturday and got working straight away.

Bit-by-bit is definitely the way to go.

We marked out where the beds would be with string and tent pegs first. Then we weeded and dug the one nearest the shed. Two of us took about two hours.

Then the best bit - I planted the herbs we had baught in B&Q the day before whilst buying fork, spade etc.

As we worked on more of the plot, we only had to look at that bed all planted up and looking happy to keep us going!

Starting late (not much time to prepare the ground!), we still got wonderful crops in our first year. Didn't think I had time to get courgettes in, but was offered a couple of plants by one of the friendly bunch on our site - they were wonderful.

I've spent time this winter planning the varieties we're going to grow this year and can't wait to get going.

To any fellow newbies, don't kill yourself by doing too much. Plant up beds as you clear them, and the sight of healthy growing plants will give you encouragement as you clear the rest of the jungle!

Happy Growing,

:-* Tricia

Hi all

Charged and ready to go.... :D

Big push on the lottie this weekend, so many ideas, I am like a coiled spring at the moment.

Take care all



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