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Rosehip wine

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I've noticed a few of you have mentioned rosehip wine. Do you have a recipe you could give here, because I have a plentiful source of hips?

ken (69):
Hi Sarah...this I found on the net but very smiliar to one in my wine book.......ROSE HIP WINE (1)

3-1/2 pounds of rose hips
2-2/3 lbs finely granulated sugar
7-1/3 pts water
1 tsp acid blend
1/2 tsp pectic enzyme
1 tsp yeast nutrient
Montrachet wine yeast

Put the water on to boil. Meanwhile, cut the stems and ends off the rose hips. Chop the hips coarsely, put in nylon straining bag, and tie bag closed. Put bag and sugar in primary. Pour boiling water over these and stir well to dissolce sugar. Cover primary and set aside to cool. When room temperature, add pectic enzyme, acid blend and yeast nutrient. Recover and set aside 12 hours. Add yeast. Stir twice daily for 8-9 days. Drain and squeeze bag to extract juice. Pour juice into secondary. Fit airlock and set in dark place for 6 weeks. Rack into sterilized secondary, top up and refit airlock. Return to dark place and rack again after 3 months, top up and refit airlock. Return to dark place for 3 months. If wine has not cleared, fine with gelatin, wait two weeks, and rack again. When clear, bottle. Age additional 18-24 months in dark place. ....but nowadays Sarah I use bought grape juice and flavours from a bottle...saves a lot of sterilising and pulping and all that.What are your thoughts on making wine straight into an extra large plastic bottle and releasing pressure each day.Wouldn't need a lock then.???

Do be careful when chopping these as they are somewhat itchy if let near your skin.I never squeeze straining bags but let them drip overnight as i think this helps it to clear quicker as with jam also.

Thanks for that. Think I might give it a go.


I broke the parent's mincer (and had a good go at the Kenwood) crushing rose hips -had to finish them off with a mallet  ;D I think it tasted pretty nice though.



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