Produce > Ponds 'n' Stuff

duck weed


Mrs Ava:
There isn't piped water on our site, thus the rent is sooooo cheap, but there is a wee stream that runs down the side.  The stream is fed by the natural springs on the commen, which then pass through a pond and finally down to the allotments.  The stream is full of what looks like duck weed at the moment - would this do the plants I am growing....okay, only leeks and strawbs at the mom....any harm??  

Our allotments are surrounded by ditches (we're in Holland after all) and they're filled with duckweed, we pump the water straight out duckweed and all -  and have suffered no side effects.

The REALLY clever trick is to have a pond without any duckweed.   It doesn`t do any harm, but get enough of it and it makes beautiful compost.

Mrs Ava:
I was wondering that.  I also wondered if the alluvial silt that comes up with the water and duck weed is good for the soil.  It is lovely and fine!  The water is fab, crystal clear as the stream...well ditch at the moment, is fed by a natural spring......of course, it isn't so clear once I have splashed around in it filling my bucket!  ;D

The same stuff (silt from the Nile) has kept the Nile valley in Egypt fertile for the last umpteen thousand years, so it should do exactly the same for your lottie.


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