Author Topic: Why have all the birds deserted my bird feeders?  (Read 1561 times)


  • Hectare
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  • Torbay, Devon
Why have all the birds deserted my bird feeders?
« on: November 30, 2007, 18:18:56 »
A couple of weeks ago I was away for a week. On my return I found most of the feeders empty, but on two of them the trays were covered in a messy goo caused by the bad weather and the way the birds break off the sunflower seeds, only eating the bit that remains in the beak.

It took me a day or two to get round to cleaning them all and refilling them with fresh seed, but since then not a single bird has taken any of the seed or fat food from any of the five feeders. All are hung way out of the reach of cats on an ornamental stand. It is so depressing. I love to watch the birds and their antics, but now the feeders are still as full as they were when I put them out last week and none of the usual birds - sparrows, bluetits, coaltits, greenfinches, goldfinches, robins or the groundfeeders like blackbirds, chaffinches, collared doves or wood pigeons are to be seen.

Does anyone have an explanation?

I spoke to a neighbour today and she said she is also missing the birds - so where are they? I'm in the Southwest.



  • Acre
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  • Rye, East Sussex
Re: Why have all the birds deserted my bird feeders?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 19:32:07 »
I know birds have several feeding grounds during the course of the day so maybe they avoided yours while you were away and the feeders were empty?? Doesn't explain the neighbour though .....  ???


  • Half Acre
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Re: Why have all the birds deserted my bird feeders?
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 20:28:10 »
There also may be  a sparrow hawk moved in the area, I am into birdwatching big way and not to sound bigheaded i have 12 feeders in my garden, and next door has 10,  3 times this year the feeders have gone very quiet,

some may say its a cat, but unfortunately we have a cat from next door , and the birds shoot off when hes near bye then return.

With the mild climate at the moment there has been a lot of natural food still.

I am pretty sure its nothing you done, and that keep a look out for sparrow hawks.

they will be back

lovely jubilee
If i knew were to start i would LoL


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