Author Topic: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop  (Read 6844 times)


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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #40 on: July 27, 2007, 10:41:38 »
I used to be on a wine making forum. That was so 'self policed' that you were told to go and search if you asked anything that could be remotely found elsewhere. I appreciate that the same question can come up more than once, but that is part of being in a 'community'. I stopped using it

I found another allotment site just like the above.  It was very tedious searching through old threads looking for information, especially when half the time I didn't know what I was looking for.  I was afraid to post a question in case it had been covered before.

On a4a, whatever I post, (sometimes I feel really silly when I see it in print later) I love the conversational type replies I get along with all the helpful information.

If I come across a post that bears little resemblance to the subject that caught my eye then I just go back to the beginning, but a bit like a good book, can't leave it till I've read the last page.

For me, a4a is not just about allotments, however, I do like it when the specific fruit or veg is in the title of the post.  On the other hand, if I hadn't caught the word 'casteration' I would never have found out about my baby sweet corn.  I thought it was about pets, my favourate subject.  ;D
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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #41 on: July 27, 2007, 11:17:13 »
Caroline , that is a brilliant idea. For the record by the way, if I start a topic feel free to meander., I can bring it back if I need to.

I can see the original posters point though but sometimes it is difficult not to go off topic as it is in conversation.

 If I had to grumble it would be because folks don't always read the whole thing and often ask a question that has already been mentioned and I feel uncomfortable ignoring it or stating that it has been answered.

The only point that actually annoys me a bit is when someone corrects someone else's posting etiquette. I  agree going off topic or posting in the wrong place can  look rude but it is often unintentional or a mistake,but  correcting ones manners on the other hand is deliberate and I think is much more rude ,unless of course it is Dan  who is here for that purpose. I was always brought up to believe that correcting children was appropriate but correcting adults etiquette was the height of bad manners.

XX Jeannine
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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #42 on: July 27, 2007, 17:38:23 »
Perhaps someone can tell me how you respond to a question that comes up in a thread that is actually not part of the original thread.

eg Post about flooding and someone says  does anyone know how to grow rice ?

If  someone actually knows , do they answer or ignore,

Is this then hi jacking if it is answered and everyone then starts talking about their rice harvest.

I am asking seriously by the way, I have often wondered about that.

XX Jeannine

In this sort of case, the practical thing to do is to say, "Let's start a separate thread on this subject", and do so in the appropriate section.

Never forget that some people use the search function to try and find information.  It's a nightmare when you come across pages of random stuff, and it takes ages to sort the wheat from the chaff.


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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #43 on: July 27, 2007, 18:54:10 »
My husband is always saying to me ... " ... now what are you talking about !!  ???  Having a brain that thinks flat out all the time is often very hard for others to keep up !!

However, sometimes hijacking can be highly entertaining ....  ::) ;D :-[

... the point is that ... if you start a thread ... and it doesn't go the way you would like it to ... SAY SO ...  DONT be afraid or too embarrassed to bring us all back into line to achieve the answers that you desire  ;D  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I've asked questions ... not here I hasten to add .. and the topics have got rubbished ... simply have a grump!!!

Be brave, be bold ... be like me and come back here !!!!  ::) ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #44 on: July 28, 2007, 01:09:36 »
I wrote a reply to this earlier today and then lost it...hurrah you all cry but hold on...please don't refer to Georgie as "the original poster"  You know who she is' use her name! That, I find is rude . I'd be gutted if I was to referred to like that.

I am very guilty as regards to meandering. I stand accused but I am big enough to take all blame and carry on regardless lol   ;D

I remember using the search facility and constantly coming up with utter rubbish from a certain clique who followed each other around the boards continuing conversations that they had started in the Shed. It was totally ANNOYING ! I've not used the search since. That is the only situation I haave found irritating.

I don't see any harm in banter and I for one have not read anything in Georgie's post that seems to suggest she wants to ban all chit chat.

 Just have a care thats all.

Simple folks, don't get so stressed and...bitchy. It aint nice to pick on a person for airing their views. For ficks sake you all go on about how friendly you are...someone then  says something you dont like and you are bitching about them in other posts. You saddos! Look at yourselves !!  Atleast Georgie voiced her views to ALL of you.

There is hijacKing and there is colouration  Tim is spot on. Stop being so paranoid . 

Carry on chaps

H xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #45 on: July 28, 2007, 02:16:14 »
Heldi I used the phrase original poster but I was not refferring to Georgie had I been doing so I would have used her name out of courtesy. By original poster I meant anyone who starts any post  anywhere on the site and I was talking generally about posts going off topic, this was not in reference to Georgie at all.

I also don't think Georgie gave the impression that she wants to ban all chat, I think she brought up a very valid point which has clarified many things for me.

I am personally grateful to Georgie for that and respect her comments.

As I don't know what you mean by about bitching in other posts I cannot comment on that.

 However I am more than a little hurt that you would call me rude re the original poster comment.

XX Jeannine
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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #46 on: July 28, 2007, 07:27:04 »
Well. I must be honest I think this is getting silly now. People are getting hurt, and for what?

Lets all call a truce and just get on with things. This is supposed to be a fun place to be. Lets keep it that way

cj :)


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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #47 on: July 28, 2007, 10:50:18 »
Jeannine. I am sorry I singled your comment out ...I was thinking about other remarks in other posts too.   I didn't intend to hurt you and I am sorry.  I should have used broader terms. I'm not out to point the finger at anyone in particular.

 I do think it is rude referring to G in this way ("just because "she" doesn't want... etc etc")(not you Jeannine) knowing G might read those comments. I don't suppose G will care a jot but I do. I find it hurtful/uncomfortable to read actually, if you must know. She only made a plea for us to think about what we are doing ffs. She hasn't murdered the family pet or anything!

All this feel free to hijack my post comes across as tad bitchy to me. What else is it? A joke? A dig? Intended for G to see? I haven't looked though the boards but I hope this sort of comment isn't being repeated everywhere. Sad if it is because it aint neccessary. Funnily enough becoming just as annoying as the thing G was having a grumble about. Possibly even becoming the thing G was having a moan about.

The jokes have already been made within G's post. Why must G's post be dragged around and commented on in other threads? I remember full well the last time certain people dragged their shed comments and "laughs" around the boards. Totally spoiled it, created a nasty atmosphere and eventually a big rumpus came about. I gave up posting on a4a for ages because of it. I wasn't involved by the way. I just didn't like the boards any more.

I do think people have been a little silly about a view G has presented. I've not seen people saying they are "paranoid" before.  Why even say that?

Again sorry Jeannine it wasn't my intention to pick on you. But we are just you and me...G seemed to have a few having a dig at her. Not fair in my opinion.


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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #48 on: July 28, 2007, 11:01:21 »
I read your post Heldi last night and knew I would have to respond eventually.  I have only been an a4a member for a couple of months and wanted to sleep on it first.

I have posted in Georgie’s thread and also in the other thread, 'Please hijack this thread', started by OllieC, to which I think you are referring.

If I have offended anybody, particularly Georgie I am truly sorry, it was not my intention.

In my defence, and that of others, at the moment a lot of lottie holders are affected by extreme weather conditions and it is not only their plants they have lost. Other members like me, who got off lightly, care for and feel very deeply for the unlucky ones and all the other people who are affected by the floods.  I read peoples posts and watch the news and it makes me weep.

A little light humour and a bit of fun is a diversion, a way of coping.  I have noticed, as a new member, how this has come to the fore in the last several weeks in many threads.

I, and a lot of other contributors to Georgie's and OllieC's threads are not 'bitchy'.  
'Simple folk', may be.  'Stressed',  yes.  Saddos!', that's up for debate, but definitely not picking on any particular individual, least of all Georgie, x.

I took OllieC's thread for what it was,  a little escapism  in tough times.

I agree with caroline, lets just get on with things. :)

got a lottie got a life


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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #49 on: July 28, 2007, 11:03:35 »

There's something happening every day  @ &

Rhubarb Thrasher

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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #50 on: July 28, 2007, 11:10:56 »
Oops, i'm in the wrong Thread hijacking thread



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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #51 on: July 28, 2007, 11:12:56 »
Heldi, I can only answer about the free to hijack my post bit and I mean this most sincerely...................

I do not mind if someone does this to me, I can bring the post back if I need to, however that is just my choice,I don't feel I am being bitchy to state that anymore than Georgie is bothered by it.

There is no right or wrong here.

I appreciate fully what Georgie said and I can see why the hijacking would bother many folks, she was not bitchy in the way she put forward her opinion. On the flip side I am not concerned about the hijacking for me personally and I can also see why other folks would think the same about that too by  stating their point I do not feel is bitchy either.

Perhaps you are seeing something that I am not, I think it is a valuable posting that has given 2 sides to a topic.

I do however think a few folks are nervous about posting wrongly now which is why they are stating that,perhaps in a jocular manner which folks tend to do when uncomfortable. I don't think that Georgie has done anything to make them uncomfortable but perhaps they are wary of spoiling something for someone.

The reason I stated I have no problem with my posts being hijacked is to prevent that discomfort to others. I have also noted the folks who are botheres by it and of course will try hard to respect their posts in the future,another good thing to come out of this debate.

For Georgie... my original reply to your post was one of gratitude as it gave me the chance to ask a question I was confused about,, and I did get the answer to my query. If I have offended you in any way I am deeply sorry, I respect you and your postings very much and I thought it was a good topic to bring up. It made me aware of my failings as a poster and gave me a chance to think twice before junping in sometimes. It also gave me the chance to inform others that I didn't mind if they did that to me, that in no way was a put down on you.

I now intend to read through the whole thing again...

XX Jeannine

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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2007, 11:14:59 »
I think everybody who's read Georgie's original post has taken on board her request, which is only fair and I imagine they will make a conscience effort to not hi-jack (too much) her threads.  On top of that, I think people just wanted to add their own comments too - which is also fair.  I hope this makes sense!  :)  With regards to the other thread, I'm 100% sure it wasn't meant as a pop to anyone but I do see Heldi's point, from Georgie's point of view it may feel like a bit of sarcasm.


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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #53 on: July 28, 2007, 11:30:32 »

I remember the crock a4a turned into the last time people thought they were at liberty to hijack posts throughout the board.  It wasn't pretty. Incredibly irritating. Unbelievably thoughtless too.

I haven't looked at ollie's post.  The comments were made in other threads. Not in ollies or this one. 

Thanks savageblue.  Sarcasm. Maybe I should have said sarcasm instead of bitchy?

G doesn't need me to defend way  ;D  I defend anyone's right to make a valid plea and not be subjected to sarcastic remarks in other threads.

I think people are making it more of an issue than it was intended to be by making these comments and since I am also dragging it along...

I'm cool with letting it go.  


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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #54 on: July 28, 2007, 11:31:28 »
I have re read the whole post again and I can see only two things that may have been considered a tad disrepectful, both jocular, but Gerorgie joined in one of them.

The other post on the  board is a bit of nonsense.

XX Jeannine
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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #55 on: July 28, 2007, 11:34:39 »
whole hazel

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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #56 on: July 28, 2007, 11:57:41 »
nuts, Cadburys make them and there covered in..... Sorry guys, just couldn't resist it.

This I hope is my last word on Hi jacking.  It happened to me in one of my early posts, put my nose out of joint for a bit. 

I think gerogie has a valid point and this discussion will make people think a bit more about what and where they are posting, which is a good thing.

I 've got used to you lot now and as Jeannine says you can always pull the topic back, if not, I think this discussion will give us the opportunity to make such a request.

Just for the record, when I read my topic back it was just about exhausted anyway, so I started another one.   ;D
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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #57 on: July 28, 2007, 12:01:42 »
just my tuppence worth, on another board i used to frequent, the hijacking was legendary and a thread very rarely ended up in the same direction it started.

we were quite proud of that.

anyone for a rolo ??

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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #58 on: July 28, 2007, 12:09:34 »
is it ya last one. :-*


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Re: Hi-jacking threads - a plea to stop
« Reply #59 on: July 28, 2007, 12:10:53 »
The point, surely, is this.  A4A is a hugely useful source of information on all aspects of gardening, and its offshoots of cooking, preserving and so on.  People need to be able to access this information easily, without having to sift through a lot of extraneous stuff.  If useful information is swamped by off-topic chat, it becomes increasingly time-consuming and difficult to find.  Heldi has also made this point.

So I think everyone should make an effort to remain on topic, whether the OP* approves of digressions or not.  When someone asks a question, they are in effect asking on behalf of everyone who wants the information, including those who may come along later.

There is plenty of scope in The Shed for general conversation and banter, as well as a chat room.  Let’s try and keep the other sections for their intended use.

*(OP = original poster: this is an accepted Internet expression used for clarity, and shouldn’t cause anyone offence)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 12:12:38 by greyhound »


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