Produce > Recipes

busy_lizzie's Pasties

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Look and sound great.

Thanks for the recipe Busy Lizzie.....they sound even more lip smacking good when you read how to make them....I bet your kitchen smelled lovely this (oops Sunday) afternoon  if you've been "Christmas caking"  :P...H.P.

Hi, Christmas Cake duly made, and thankfully turned out well! Kitchen did smell lovely and I even played a few Christmas CDs, to put us all in the mood.  It is always a bit nervewracking, but looked good when I brought it out of the oven. :P  Another thing to tick off my Christmas To-Do List.  Thank you to everyone for responding so nicely. :-* busy_lizzie  :D

sounds as if a good time was had by all  :). did everyone get a "lick of the spoon"  :P wish I'd been there - just love Christmas preparations.... H.P.

B_L - Looking at those pasties hasn't half made me hungry :-)


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