Author Topic: so dissappointed  (Read 4236 times)


  • Hectare
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so dissappointed
« on: April 12, 2007, 18:09:22 »
 :'(. well what a let down. if you have been reading my other thread (so excited) you will know how excited i have been over the last few days about the impending arrival of two kittens to our home but having heard nothing from the very friendly lady i spoke to on friday, i decided to ring her and find out how things were progressing.  i thought it was strange that she hadnt been back in touch.
well anyway she has informed me that the home visit lady drove down my street and decided the road was too fast for allowing rehoming with us.  her whole attidtude toward me on the phone was completely different to how she was before the weekend.  the road we live on is fast but she knew that on friday as she said she knew the road well.  i thinkthe lady has driven past our house and taken an instant decision on us based on the state of our driveway. my brother in law repairs old landrovers and boats and the front of our home is a bit of a mess. but the house is set far back from the road and we have a huge garden at the back.  i  think i wouldnt feel so gutted if she hadnt raised my hopes so high on friday telling me we sounded perfect for the kittens she had in mind.  surely if livign next to a road was such an issue she would have have asked about it on friday.  i feel like i have been poorly judged and feel very let down, she sounded embarressed when i called her and was almost rude to me. having chatted so long to me the otherday i was shocked today; she couldnt get off the phone quick enough. i am sorry to have this moan at you guys but you were so happy for me. i know i could just go to a pet shop and buy kittens but iwanted to help some little ones that needed a home.  arrrrgggghh.  i know i'll get over it and we will get kitties anyway but.... its left me feeling very deflated. the only good thing is that i hadnt told the children about poppy and morris so they are oblivious.  :'(


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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2007, 18:39:01 »
Really sorry for you Sarah. We are all so over protected nowadays, even kittens.

In Edinburgh we can't take schoolkids on foreign exchanges any more since the parents and families receiving them in France, Germany etc would, under Scottish law, have to go through police disclosure, yet I would defy them to find a single child who has been abused during an exchange. Same sort of crazyattitude. Well meaning but wrong. IMHO. Overprotectionism. Why kids stay indoors and get obese instead of going out to play with their chums.

There's more kittens about than homes for them. Maybe they should have visited rather than driving past. See the kind of family you are and then decide.

We got one of our kittens out of a supermarket plastic bag hanging from a tree in local woodland some 20 years ago. Siblings had died. The dogs found the bag and started barking then I heard the mewing and rescued the one surviving kitten (of 4).

She was never a very friendly or affectionate cat but who can blame her?

Anyway I'm sure you'll find the kitten/s for you.


  • Half Acre
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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2007, 18:46:59 »
hun, dont lose hope!!!
there are thousands of cats and kittens in desperate need of homes. pm me and i am sure i can point you in the right direction!!!
heck, if you are anywhere near me i will find you some myself!
i get asked all the time if i can take in XXX animal, kitten season will soon be upon us. there will be kitties galore soon, trust me ;)
'blood sweat and tears really don't matter, just the things that you do in this garden'


  • Hectare
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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2007, 19:11:01 »
thanks. i know its not the end of the world and i guess i will feel better about it tommorro (will probably go to the plot and do some digging to vent my frustration!).  if i really thought the road was an issue i woudnt mind so much its just that i feel sure they have judged us for different reasons and think if they had afforded us a home visist as promised they would have seen that we are well set up here to care for the kittens.  our back garden is over two hundred feet long and although it is impossible to secure it agianst a cat getting out, i would defy anyone to prove their cat cant roam. as you  say grawc its over pretectionism gone crazy.  o well.  pop goes that little bubble. thanks for the offer bunjies you have been very lovely and you aer right the kitten season is starting and i will contact one or two other local rescue centers including the rspca and i am sure we will find a couple of new additions to share my happy home. thanks guys. :-*


  • Half Acre
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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2007, 19:23:28 »
hun, you will find there are some very odd politics go on in the rescue world. some people will judge a home by the way the front garden looks, yet others home animals without asking a single question!
i would get failed a homecheck if i went to most rescue centers for a dog as i refuse to vaccinate. but i guarantee i am a good home!

would you like me to ask on the forum i help moderate if there are any squitties available?
or you can pop in and ask! i'll pm you the link if you would like, we are a very friendly bunch! :-*
'blood sweat and tears really don't matter, just the things that you do in this garden'


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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2007, 21:33:52 »
Sarah in my experience it really doesn't matter where you live, one of my kitties was squashed by a learner practising a three point turn in our quiet road. I now live next to a pub car park and I have two cats. I keep my fingers crossed every day, but if the worst happens I know they will have had a very good life with us.
Look in your vet's surgery for homes wanted ads.
Maybe a letter to the people concerned,(was it Cats Protection League? I missed the original thread) wouldn't go amiss.
Smile, it confuses people.


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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2007, 22:01:26 »


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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2007, 07:42:16 »

would you like me to ask on the forum i help moderate if there are any squitties available?
or you can pop in and ask! i'll pm you the link if you would like, we are a very friendly bunch! :-*

thanks bunjies thats kind of you to offer. i think will wait a couple of weeks and then try the rspca.  feel free to pm me with your forum link i may pop in and have a look, though to be honest i already spend too much time on this one :D, i would never get anything done if i started looking at kittens online! but iwoudl like to pop in and have a quick look. thanks

Maybe a letter to the people concerned,(was it Cats Protection League? I missed the original thread) wouldn't go amiss.

yes it was the cats protection league and i think i will be sending a letter to their head office, not so much to complain about the decision but really to complain about the way in which they dealt with me.


  • Half Acre
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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2007, 17:09:20 »
i would get failed a homecheck if i went to most rescue centers for a dog as i refuse to vaccinate.
Doesn't that mean you can't get insurance or don't you care??

yes i can get insurance. tesco have insured my dogs for years, it has only lasped because i stuffed up my direct debit, but they are happy to take me on again.
it is certainly not because i dont care!!!
i care very much about my animals, very much indeed! i have also witnessed the effects of vaccine damage. i choose not to vaccinate because i believe the risk of the disease is less than the risk of vaccine damage. my old boy is a walking miracle. he was diagnosed in 2005 with disease that has a life expectancy of 4 to 5 months after onset. this september that would have been 2 years ago.
2 of my dogs have received vaccines, before they came to live with me. had they came here as 8 week old pups, they would have received none. my old boy has never received a single one.
however i do have a classical homeopath who my animals and myself are under the care of, plus my lovely vet. they are all naturally reared, fed a good raw diet etc.
i have worked in rescue, and boarding kennels. i know the 1st sign of the various diseases. i am able to take prompt action if ever it was needed.
i just dont like vaccines, sorry!
'blood sweat and tears really don't matter, just the things that you do in this garden'


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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2007, 17:37:46 »
Sorry I didn't mean you  did not care for your pets!! :-[ I meant were you not worried whether you had insurance or not. Lots of folk don't seem to insure them.

I only ask because I've just recently been shopping around for insurance for my two and all the policies I've looked at stipulate that your animal (in my case dogs) must have full vaccination or the insurance is invalid. I didn't look at Tesco which I see doesn't stipulate vaccination, however it is a good deal more expensive for me than Sainsburys which is the one I finally went for.

Lots of companies seem not to insure beyond the age of 8 (for dogs) either which is a pain since my older dog is now 10. She's never been near a vet in her life, apart from vaccinations and for checkups during pregnancy so the insurers have certainly made their money on that one. :(

Anyway sorry if I got it wrong. No offence intended.

As to vaccinations I suppose it is a moot point.  I know my 96 year old father-in -law has never had any and doesn't believe in them, but then I remeber all the kids damaged or killed by polio when I was a child and before polio vaccinations were routine.

I think, however, that I have gone totally off topic and usurped Sarah's thread. Apologies for that and good luck, Sarah, with the kitten hunt.


  • Half Acre
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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2007, 19:29:09 »
oh hun, i'm sorry i snapped :-[
i must confess to going into automatic high horse mode when questioned about the vax issue as most people do accuse me of not caring for my animals when they find this out.
i'm glad you mentioned sainsburys are cheaper though, i may look into insuring through them if they'll have me!
also if you havent bought insurance yet i have heard that marks and spencers do a very good deal, take on older animals AND provide life long cover! i must compare the 3 companies.
sorry again :-* :-*

and cut back to topic......
'blood sweat and tears really don't matter, just the things that you do in this garden'


  • Hectare
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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2007, 15:43:10 »
i have never had a animal vaccinated. my cat bob is insured with tesco and it,s all right but does not cover the diseases the jabs are for  do not think i can change insurers now altho cost is rising as he is 9 now tho i,v never claimed it,s for piece of mind in case some thing extreme happens
sarah the kittens you are ment to have will find you every succesful pet we have had happened that way it,s like love it just grabs you  those kits were not ment to be yours
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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2007, 17:30:43 »
Oh Sarah, so sorry! I only just caught up with this thread! I can't believe that - for the record everyone I've seen Sarahs house and it is lovely crazy, allotmenteers live here family home.
Cheeky buggers aren't they!!! Cars are fast, not roads, where is suitable for a cat to live? Your house is set so far back from it anyway-gaagh!
I agree that you've been very shabbily judged. The rspca refused us a dog years ago as the girls were under 5. I thought well, thats why i want one now, so they grow up having a dog! I did say, for heavens sake, you've never even met my children, how dare you judge them unsuitable to have a pet!!! 
I heard one of the reception mums going on about her cat being about to have kittens so I'll try and remember which one and ask her if there's any going if you'd like.
Oh and don't forget, I am available for digging duties all week!  :)
Thank god the kids didn't know eh!!?  ::)
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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2007, 19:03:00 »
thanks Em, doesnt really compare to what you've had to deal with this week but still it has left a nasty taste in my mouth. apparently this is the best time of year to get kittens as there are lots needing homes so iwill try the rspca as soon as OH has fixed car, keep your ear open in playground though incase lady is looking for homes. as for you being free all week that is very good news for me cos i still have digging to be done. see you down there monday morning sharp.  :)

purple sprouting

  • Half Acre
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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2007, 22:41:32 »
Hi Sarah,

My family had a similar experience four years ago when we wanted a dog (to replace our poor little terrier who died after 17 years (of love and a good home) due to old age).  We couldn't get a 'rescue' dog anywhere - even from Battersea or NCDL - because I had children under 12 years of age. 

I do agree strongly that young children and 'rescue' dogs don't mix, but I also strongly feel that they take the matter to the limit.  Especially when there are poor dogs in kennels that have been there for over a year.

Hope you get your kittens Sarah.




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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2007, 14:00:09 »
My parents would like a dog, their last dog died about 2 years ago, at first they said they didnt want another, Pat could not be replaced, but they miss having a dog around and really want the company. They are both elderly in their 70s and 80s and the rspca said no, due to their age! The thing now is that they are thinking of paying breeders prices of around £500, I am trying to convince them not to part with that kind of money, becuase they really cannot afford it, but they are more determined now because they were told no.
I don't know if it is a good or bad thing for them to have a dog, I see the good and the bad, I am not sure that a dog would get walked as much as it needed, but I do feel sorry for them. The last 2 dogs seemed to keep them on their toes, and were company after us children left home!
Lottie at Upton St Leonards, Gloucester
Lottie owner since 11th April 2007.
Still in the plot   36 Leeks, 1x rows parsnips, 2x  rows chard, psb, broccoli, 5 rows garlic, 1 row swede, lots of onions - started in rows, but the birds had them and now they are random!!

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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2007, 14:07:13 »
I have been insured with Marks and Spencer for my Rottie and it was costing me £14 a month which for a Rottie I thought it was a good deal especially as I chose not to have to pay an excess.However I got my renewal through last week and they have put it up by £10 a month and have scrapped the no excess option.Sainburys quoted me £43 a month and Tesco wanted £14. I have decided to go with argos for £10.92 a month providing £2500 of cover.
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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2007, 09:58:01 »
SueSteve - that's so sad about your mum and dad. I keep hearing how difficult it is for animal rescue centres etc to place older dogs (and cats) for adoption as everyone wants a puppy/kitten. A 'more mature' dog would seem just right for older folks - not so much of a handful around the home and not needing anywhere near as many 'walkies' as a boisterous youngster. Have your parents considered this possibility?  :) 

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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2007, 10:53:44 »
 when my in laws were in their late 70's, they took on a rescue dog and we offered to take him on if/when they found him too much work.
Both they and we were checked out and the 'adoption' took place.
That was 8 years ago, and the pleasure he has given them is without compare.
He's a cross Irish wolfhound/ Dulux dog and huge with it!!! ( and still with them!)

So sorry to hear about the kittens- there will be plenty of others around, it's just not nice for you to be treated that way :-[
I'm sure the ones you do finally get will have a lovley home. ;)


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Re: so dissappointed
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2007, 13:43:27 »

I do agree strongly that young children and 'rescue' dogs don't mix
Not always the case. We are on rescue dog no. 4.The !st  was when I was expecting daughter 1, the 2nd when daughter 2  was 1. All our dogs including the ex prison GSD have never once given us cause for concern.
If young children are taught to respect animals, and leave them alone when they make it obvious they'd rather not play there shouldn't be a problem. Having said that, I never trust any dog 100%.
Smile, it confuses people.


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