Allotment Stuff > Swap Shop

Afghan Purple Carrot

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angle shades:

I got Bonny Lad broad beans instead! /shades x

I tried too and failed! They must be really good!


I think we must get our orders in earlier next year!

I plan on letting alot of what i got run to seed to save and swap for next year... what else did you guys get?

i got Maltese Marrow, Mammoth Leek, Asparagus Kale, Asparagus lettuce, Mcpartlin peas, altringham carrot.  Forgot to add Orange Banana Tomato!

Yes it would be good to do an HSL swap.

I got:

Climbing French Bean - Cherokee of Trail of Tears
Climbing French Bean - Birds Egg
Pea - Lancashire Lad
Tomato - Mrs Taylor's Red Pear
Lettuce - Brown Goldring
Lettuce - Bunyards Matchless

It would be good to do a heritage seed swap wouldn't it?


I just joined, received my pack of stuff on Thursday, it says I can still ask for seeds past the usual deadline  because I am a new member and missed it. Does anyone have any ideas what I will get. XX Jeannine


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