Author Topic: Must be the age thing  (Read 3245 times)


  • Hectare
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Must be the age thing
« on: August 21, 2003, 00:22:44 »
Now I am 21 and a bit although the bit is larger than the figure above I now understand how my mum managed her garden.
Working with wildlife is a lot less stressfull than against it etc. feeding the birds not only in the winter but through the summer they help me with the green flies non on the roses the last two years so no spraying  every week.
Our lovely pool with fish the frogs and toads moved in and the hostas never been so good no holes in the leaves so no more slug pellets.
the pidgons,doves and squirrils dont do any damage because the food is available for them and they dont move far away when I walk up the garden and yes just like mum I talk to them.
My only problem is my dog small terrier when she sees a cat in the garden she goes mental and through the plants the darn cats are bigger than her but hey you cannot have everything. I hear you say more training but all I can think to shout at her is WATCH MY PLANTS. Teresa ::)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: Must be the age thing
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2003, 12:58:31 »
Hi Teresa - I agree with you, and guess what?  my mother was just the same, no chemicals allowed in the garden, I used to think she was nuts, now I am obsessively into wildlife gardening, ecological balance, etc (apart from the pigeons - what is it that you grow that keeps them busy, because I am fed up with them terrorising all the other birds on the bird table?)

Your story about your dog made me laugh, because if you think a little terrier causes trouble, you should see what a golden retriever on the rampage can do.  Ours is now in her dotage, but recently she saw the neighbour's cat, had a sudden fit of enthusiasm, threw herself into the air, landed awkwardly and limped for the rest of the afternoon.  Just as I was thinking about the size of the forthcoming vet's bill, she recovered, thank goodness.  A friend has recently acquired a Brittany terrier, he is a nightmare, tears around her garden ripping everything to shreds, very hyper - even though she takes him for long walks daily and to two training classes a week.  Think I will avoid the puppy stage next time and go for a "rescued" OAP.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


  • Hectare
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Re: Must be the age thing
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2003, 14:38:07 »
Hi the idea I had is to have more than one feeding station.
You can hang up net/wire feeders for blue tits sparrows etc which eat the greenfly etc.
I also use a old patio table with a plastic dish its two inches high and 18 inc round for black birds pigons starlings etc what falls off the ground feeders will have thrushes(good for slugs) braylings.
Ihave also put a dish on the ground in winter and use the birdtable witha roof in the winter.
The pidgons will get use to feeding with others as long as their is plenty to eat every day. So I buy the seed in big bags from the petshop I use  jollies but any large chainstore pet shop will do check prices.
In winter we make bird cakes with any old fat clarfied lot cheeper than buying balls and you can put loads of different stuff in it.
Our birds are so use to being feed and when the dish runs out the doves come and look through the kitchen window the same as when the water needs changing they dont like dirty water or not enough in the bird bath for them oh yes soon let us know what they want.
This place is a bird motel?
Best laugh I get are the starling and babies they love bread and cake thats been soaked in water so a dish is specialy made for them.
One tip when the starling arrive in this country feed them they bring pelleted seeds and poo them in your garden plants for free. and all for bread and water he he
So my tip is plenty of food so no fighting and this will give them manners  8) Teresa
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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