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RHS Level 2 Certificate in Horticulture

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Thanks betula. All of us found it tougher than we'd expected, but we're glad it's over - the first part, anyway.  We're all going on a trip to Cambridge Botanical Gardens on Monday as a special treat. :)

We went to wisley.

We were going to kew as well but the coach never turned up :(

Have a great time :)


--- Quote from: hopalong on February 19, 2009, 10:27:01 ---Thanks betula. All of us found it tougher than we'd expected, but we're glad it's over - the first part, anyway.  We're all going on a trip to Cambridge Botanical Gardens on Monday as a special treat. :)

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take your own food, or plenty cash! seriously, the winter border is stunning, and the outcrop style rock garden is huge. hope the weather is good for you, why not pop to anglessy abbey while you are that close? they have a fantastic long winter garden, and the sight at the end of the walk is stunning!


--- Quote from: tonybloke on February 20, 2009, 02:33:46 ---
--- Quote from: hopalong on February 19, 2009, 10:27:01 ---Thanks betula. All of us found it tougher than we'd expected, but we're glad it's over - the first part, anyway.  We're all going on a trip to Cambridge Botanical Gardens on Monday as a special treat. :)

--- End quote ---
take your own food, or plenty cash! seriously, the winter border is stunning, and the outcrop style rock garden is huge. hope the weather is good for you, why not pop to anglessy abbey while you are that close? they have a fantastic long winter garden, and the sight at the end of the walk is stunning!

--- End quote ---

Thanks Tony.  Really looking forward to the Winter Garden.  I'll ask the tutors if there's time to pop into Anglesey Abbey - never been there but heard a lot about it.


--- Quote from: tonybloke on February 20, 2009, 02:33:46 ---
--- Quote from: hopalong on February 19, 2009, 10:27:01 ---Thanks betula. All of us found it tougher than we'd expected, but we're glad it's over - the first part, anyway.  We're all going on a trip to Cambridge Botanical Gardens on Monday as a special treat. :)

--- End quote ---
take your own food, or plenty cash! seriously, the winter border is stunning,
--- End quote ---

The Botanic garden isn't at its best right now; a lot of ongoing development work means that not all of the greenhouses are open and the buildings which held the cafe and shop have been demolished to make way for a new educational centre which should be fantastic when it opens.

That said, it's still a special place and has far too much interesting stuff to see in a single day's visit. The winter border is looking (and smelling) lovely right now.  And if you thought the food & drink was expensive in the botanic garden, better not go into the touristy parts of Cambridge.......


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