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RHS Level 2 Certificate in Horticulture

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--- Quote from: sally_cinnamon on November 03, 2006, 15:54:19 ---
--- Quote from: Linda32 on October 11, 2006, 11:22:24 ---I'm doing this course by distance learning and have just sent in the first set of mid-module questions.

--- End quote ---

Hi Linda - I just wondered how you applied to do this by distance learning?  I have been sent the course booklet from the RHS but can't see anywhere about distance learning.  Also, I can't seem to see anything about course fees??? 

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Sorry I havn't replied sooner  :-[ I've no idea how that link came to be there, do links change after a certain period of time  :-\

Anyway this is who I'm studying with  :)

I am so excited, my results finally came yesterday after sitting the exam in June and I have passed the first year, so I am very pleased with myself :D

How has everyone else got on?

Return on Tuesday for the second year.


Hi all,

As a newbie to the A4A website, I am wondering if anyone out there can give any feedback on some of the distance learning colleges, in particular HCC and KLC?    Living in mid-Wales (2 hours from anywhere) it is going to have to be correspondence topped up with some practical Workshops from somewhere while on holiday.

I am quite interested in the KLC course as it has more of a design slant to their course work than other colleges, which might be to my benefit.  It also means that should I decide on a change of direction then it gives me 12-18 months to decided on further training in design or gardening orientation.  However if you compare their modules (briefly described on the website) with that of the HCC syllabus then I am slightly concerned that you miss out on the plants side (KLC have reassured me that their course does adequately cover the RHS Level 2 exam requirements).  Anyone with experience of KLC I would be interested in any comments.

I would love to know from others how they coped with Distance Learning and have you found a benefit to your gardening/life/new job?

Thanks for looking.


I wasn't impressed at all by the HCC material that I saw; it's certainly in-depth and there is a lot of it, but a lot of it was outdated and/or completely irrelevant to the RHS course. A motivated person who bought and worked through the "Principles Of Horticulture" (Adams and Early) book mentioned earlier in the thread could save themselves a few hundred quid.

It was an old version I saw, so maybe things are better now and I guess it is really the tutor's time that you are paying for. [I did the RHS course at an evening class in Cambridge, so can't comment on that part of HCC's offering.]

You can often find naughty people selling their course material from HCC/KLC etc. on ebay, so you might be able to try before you buy....


Hi Al

I've recently started doing the RHS Advanced certificate through distance learning.  I'm doing it with learningcurve.  I was in the same situation as you when it came to trying to decide who to do it with. Ideally I'd have liked to have done it at college bt there isnt anywhere close enough to me that offers it, so distance learning was the only option.  I looked at the HCC site and learningcurve, can't remember whether I looked at KCL or whether they actually do the Advanced certificate.  I chose learningcurve in the end simply because they were quite a bit cheaper than HCC, but I have no idea how their learning material compares.
So far I have been happy with what I've received, although I have noticed that they don't seem to do a very thorough job of proof reading their material!  My tutor has been ok so far but I haven't had much to ask her yet.  I did find it hard to know how much extra work I'd be expected to do on top of the stuff they send out, but my tutor has since helped with that.
Learning by distance learning is ok although I haven't quite got the hang of diciplinging myself yes so not getting through it as quickly as I'd hoped, but have almost finished the first module, then I'll need to complete the assessment, I think when I get the comments back it'll help to give an idea of whether I'm doing enough work.

I hope this helps a little.



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