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RHS Level 2 Certificate in Horticulture

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--- Quote from: sally_cinnamon on November 03, 2006, 15:54:19 ---
--- Quote from: Linda32 on October 11, 2006, 11:22:24 ---I'm doing this course by distance learning and have just sent in the first set of mid-module questions.

--- End quote ---

Hi Linda - I just wondered how you applied to do this by distance learning?  I have been sent the course booklet from the RHS but can't see anywhere about distance learning.  Also, I can't seem to see anything about course fees??? 

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look on learning curve...and you can look on the RHS website aswell. RHS level 2 is a more theory and knowledge based certificate. so basically, there's a buy the books and learn everything you need to...and take however long you want. you have to post coursework to your teacher every now and then...and then once you've done all that...there's an exam you need to take.

I start my 'Botanical' full time in February. Looking forward to a bit of a problem in addition to the norm....the course is in Belgium and is in Dutch (which I don't as yet speak or understand enough of....I also am advised to get my Latin on board....Mmmm, looks like an interesting couple of months ahead!!

Hi everyone,
I have just received my distance learning pack for the RHS level 2, from Learning Curve (thanks Windy for the tip off!).  Haven't had chance to look through it fully yet, but looks great!  I was also sent Alan T's "The Gardener's Year" and "Principles Of Horticulture" (Adams and Early), which I presume cover the course content.  Had a quick flick through the assignments this morning - they don't look easy do they!  I'm thinking back to my GCSE biology and most of the terminology isn't looking familiar so I guess I'm going to have a lot of studying to do!  Looking forward to it though.

How is everyone else getting along since their last posts?  Kenkew - how is your Dutch coming along?!


Lord Steve:
Has anyone just sat the RHS Level 2 cert exams? I sat them both last week ... was wondering how you found them?

our college (West Anglia) is making us do em all in one day - stingy sods. 6 hours of intense anxiety and teeth grinding. guess i will be on the vallium at the very least. 28th June, day of despair!
cheers, suzy


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