Author Topic: How to build a greenhouse?  (Read 12663 times)


  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #40 on: October 15, 2006, 21:51:58 »
thanks legendry one.

oh and sorry Mrs KP. by bed i meant like a flower bed...but it might aswell not be to be honest lol.

And i do definately agree with the bitesize chunks. I've just got so much on my plate right now and *sigh*. Basically my brother's parents in law are coming over in a weeks time and the back garden is visible from all the windows. he wants to make a big impression so I've got a week to do all of it. Then I've got to help him spring clean the house from top to bottom. Then the day before they come over he's going to be really touchy if there's any mess made. He hasn't been very lucky in his love life so this is his big moment. I mean i know they shouldn't judge him on the house and whatever but it means a lot to him.
Halloween's coming up in a couple of weeks and we've got to sort everything out. it's planned that we go over to our friend's house in leicester and meet my sister there and make a big do of it. so i've got to do all my part in it.
I'm financially very unstable right now. I've basically got no money till the 27th of this month...and my bf's getting really down. he hasn't been happy for a atleast a couple of years now....and that gets me down too. we can't buy anything or even feed ourselves properly. then a huge phone bill arrived recently because we weren't careful enough and now they've barred my bf's phone and he's got no way or ringing anyone or them ringing him back. he hasn't got a job yet so he can't use a work phone. even if he does get a job we'll have no money for him to be able to travel to work.
My room's a mess that needs to be sorted. I haven't changed the water in the fish tank this week so I'm a bit worried for the fish in that sense. I've only recently started going back to work so i don't really get time to do anything. when i come back it's too dark. and the fact that i need to spent time with my bf because he gets really lonely at home all day and he hates living here. and when i'm at work i'm really down because i know how unhappy he is and the nuts that we're in and all the things i need to sort out before a certain time.
I've still got to finish putting the log rolls in the front garden to finish the raised beds. I've got to order some more topsoil for which my dad's going to pay another £80. Then it's going to take me a day's work to shift the 2 tonnes of that soil. I've got loads of bulbs that need planting and some of then are starting to go off so they need to go in the ground ASAP. I've got some seeds that need to be sown before the end of this month but i can't till the beds have been sorted out. I need to finish this bloody greenhouse before the frosts come.
I haven't even been able to afford a haircut for months so My hair's a really long mess and people have half heartedly commented on it at work and i laugh it off but i know i look like a right tramp.
And i have a skin condition for which i've been taking anti-biotics for 3 months. I've tried it before but they gave me a really bad reaction so i stopped taking them. I finished my 3 month coarse and i didn't remember what time my revisit appointment was so i rung them and realised i missed the appointment. so i've been discharged and my gp's got to re appoint me and that could take another 16 weeks and i'm still waiting on that appointment with the councilor.
i've got a lot of other bills to pay and money that i owe people that i've had to promise people i'd return to them but i've just absolutely no way of doing it. I've been selling stuff for the last few months so that we have money to survive on but we've got absolutely nothing left now that we can sell. Nor me or my bf are having 3 meals anymore because we just can't afford it.

Sorry about the rant...i just...i know it's something that i need to look at in smaller chunks.....but with everything that's going on and the deadlines i have for stuff and the people chasing me for me and never having enough energy i'm just really really low at the moment and can't look at things in baby steps without everything just crashing down on me.

I've tried to get my nuts together and smile and think i can get through it and think practically and break things up into manageable pieces but i can't see a way out. I just....i dunno.

Anyway....i guess that was nothing to do with the greenhouse but it helps me to right it all down so i can atleast tell someone about it without worrying i'm affecting them aswell. I can't talk to my bf about it or my family because i know they'll get really down about it.

so back to the greenhouse. thanks for the advice peeps.


  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2006, 22:09:31 »
have a nervous breakdown and then no one will expect anything from you !!!!!!

JOKE !!!!!

(and i do realise that nervous breakdown's are no laughing matter  :-[).

you definitely need a hand from someone young man.

sit down with your boyfriend and brother and draw up a plan.  tbh if the bulbs don't get planted and go off, they go off.  no big deal.  bit of a waste, but then there's always next year.

it does look like a huge mess when you write it all in one big paragraph, but get the vital things down on paper, and don't get drawn into anything else until the major issues are sorted.

speak to everyone that you owe and explain the situation to them.  i'm sure they'd prefer for you to be honest and to let them know the real situation and be far more likely to be patient if you told them the truth.

get a hairband, keep it clean and tie it up !  no crisis !

have you got a welfare department at work that you could speak to ?

You're not in this on your own love, you have a family and partner.  you have your part to play, but so do they.  you all need to support each other.

and EAT !

p.s. look on the bright side, you haven't got a bed to get rid of !   ;D
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  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #42 on: October 15, 2006, 22:11:29 »
Don't worry about rant ;) We all need to let of steam.
Could your boyfriend do some of the work for you while you are at work, it would help you and would do him the world of good aswell.
And if you need to rant again do so none of us here will mind :)
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  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #43 on: October 15, 2006, 22:21:24 »
have a nervous breakdown and then no one will expect anything from you !!!!!!

JOKE !!!!!

(and i do realise that nervous breakdown's are no laughing matter  :-[).

you definitely need a hand from someone young man.

sit down with your boyfriend and brother and draw up a plan.  tbh if the bulbs don't get planted and go off, they go off.  no big deal.  bit of a waste, but then there's always next year.

it does look like a huge mess when you write it all in one big paragraph, but get the vital things down on paper, and don't get drawn into anything else until the major issues are sorted.

speak to everyone that you owe and explain the situation to them.  i'm sure they'd prefer for you to be honest and to let them know the real situation and be far more likely to be patient if you told them the truth.

get a hairband, keep it clean and tie it up !  no crisis !

have you got a welfare department at work that you could speak to ?

You're not in this on your own love, you have a family and partner.  you have your part to play, but so do they.  you all need to support each other.

and EAT !

p.s. look on the bright side, you haven't got a bed to get rid of !   ;D

lol bless your heart. you're such a sweety. i know....i just everyone's got their own problems and my family has a lot of issues in their lives. i mean not too long ago my brother attempted suicide with his wife. well they're divorced now...but still. my dad's had a nervous breakdown a few years ago. i haven't got any friends really because i haven't got time for them. if i did have one it'd always be about me and my problems and that's not a friendship. i can't talk to my bf because he's a real pessimist. anything i say he'll get even more down about and he breaks into tears and then starts blaming himself for everything regardless of what i say.

I mean i have a lovely family and and lovely boyfriend. but for someone to talk to....i feel really alone.

Day before yesterday my bf was making us dinner and halfway through he realised we didn't really have much to cook so he cooked me dinner and then went to sleep without eating anything himself. i knew he was really hungry because he hadn't eaten anything but he wouldn't talk about it. i then went to the shop but before i went he said if you waste money on getting some food from the shop for me then i'll be really pissed off. but i did anyway because i couldn't eat knowing he's hungry. so when i came back he wasnt home. he was away for about an hour. i stood in the street that hour looking for him....and i was in tears...because it's not like him to go anywhere like that. he didn't take his phone. we're all just very much on edge right now trying to keep things together and i don't feel i can off load anymore on anyone else without taking them down with me.


  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #44 on: October 15, 2006, 22:22:36 »
Don't worry about rant ;) We all need to let of steam.
Could your boyfriend do some of the work for you while you are at work, it would help you and would do him the world of good aswell.
And if you need to rant again do so none of us here will mind :)

thanks :)


  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #45 on: October 15, 2006, 23:07:45 »
and you're worrying about a bl00dy greenhouse ????  methinks you should just go for a nice walk in the park instead !

hopefully you feel a bit better for having released some emotions even if it is on your gardening message board. ;D

and if you're reading this now, DON'T!  get to bed and have some sleep.

wake up in the morning with a fresh new look at the world, and smile  ;D .... and eat !


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  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2006, 07:58:58 »
and you're worrying about a bl00dy greenhouse ????  methinks you should just go for a nice walk in the park instead !

hopefully you feel a bit better for having released some emotions even if it is on your gardening message board. ;D

and if you're reading this now, DON'T!  get to bed and have some sleep.

wake up in the morning with a fresh new look at the world, and smile  ;D .... and eat !


thanks for the support MrsKP. It doesn't neccesarily change anything....but writing it down does break it all down and put things into perspective a bit more.

But yea...I'm all ready and stuff for another monday at work.

thanks for the help though. I do appreciate the advice.


  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2006, 09:43:50 »
My sister in law always said to me " When you have reached rock bottom there is only one way and thats up" I think your there.
Your bf is signed on at the job centre?
get him also to go round to all the agencys and sign on with them. You will find that some supply transport to jobs which would help him. Give him the plans of greenhouse he could do the frame ready to put on base when dried, give him something outside to do? make him feel needed might boost him up.
Dont worry about the garden your creating a new one, just make a plan of how it will look when finished, this way when brothers inlaws come you show them the plan of finished garden. They might even give you ideas.
They are comming to see you just make the house looks nice, and brother can help, poundland do a polish Mr Sheen potporrie, thats nice spray around the morning of their arrival works for me hee hee. ;D
As for the bulbs, you can put them in a pot, bucket or a hole in the garden to move later or when finished flowering so you dont lose them.
Money wise you can go to your bank and ask for an overdraft for a few months explain your problems and see if they can help. BF can do the same when he gets a job. Stay clear of loan sharks.
look after No.1 you, you cannot motovate others if your down yourself.


  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2006, 20:08:12 »
My sister in law always said to me " When you have reached rock bottom there is only one way and thats up" I think your there.
Your bf is signed on at the job centre?
get him also to go round to all the agencys and sign on with them. You will find that some supply transport to jobs which would help him. Give him the plans of greenhouse he could do the frame ready to put on base when dried, give him something outside to do? make him feel needed might boost him up.
Dont worry about the garden your creating a new one, just make a plan of how it will look when finished, this way when brothers inlaws come you show them the plan of finished garden. They might even give you ideas.
They are comming to see you just make the house looks nice, and brother can help, poundland do a polish Mr Sheen potporrie, thats nice spray around the morning of their arrival works for me hee hee. ;D
As for the bulbs, you can put them in a pot, bucket or a hole in the garden to move later or when finished flowering so you dont lose them.
Money wise you can go to your bank and ask for an overdraft for a few months explain your problems and see if they can help. BF can do the same when he gets a job. Stay clear of loan sharks.
look after No.1 you, you cannot motovate others if your down yourself.

thanks for your lovely advice teresa. puts things into perspective really doesn't it. i guess it's just sometimes hard to figure things when you're in the situation....but it's great to have people care enough to help you through it. So really...thankyou.


  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #49 on: October 17, 2006, 00:20:50 »
Oh Wahaj,
We have all been there, you look after No. 1 you.


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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #50 on: November 08, 2006, 09:33:01 »
There is a way which you could use sand for the base. Clear your site and place hardcore in the recess. The mix sand (or balast) with cement and filll the gaps in the hardcore level, then add another 4" of the mix on top of that. Cover with a polythene sheet and allow to cure. Note: this is a dry mix and will absorb moisture from the ground. It takes longer to set than a wet mix but is not so heavy to move around. If you want a hard wearing surface you could skim it with a wet mix (after its cured).
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  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #51 on: November 08, 2006, 18:06:21 »
I've got plenty of hard core if you need wahaj.  the builders that did the deck still haven't removed all the bricks that were the wall around the patio and they're all dumped in my front border !

just come and pick them up anytime.   :P
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  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #52 on: November 08, 2006, 19:42:08 »
lol nice.

well....after that £350 disaster...this other guy came round ot have a look, and he sounded really he's meant to be dropping a quote in through the door. It's my dad paying anyway so.

thanks for the advice though larkshall. Right now it's a project i've decided to put on a hold so that i dont put too much on my plate. I've tried everything in my budget and skill.....but i can't seem to do it. so unfortunately....for a pretty simple job...i'm getting a builder in. but oh well....we can't all do everything.


  • Hectare
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Re: How to build a greenhouse?
« Reply #53 on: November 08, 2006, 20:00:49 »
"that's my boy" ............ wahaj, you're learning pal !

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