General > Computers / Internet

disappearing pics


Who can tell me why pics are disappear on this side.I put some pics on an article about hardiness kohlrabi.Today i went back on that side and what was there my article without pics.How is that possible? and were are they,can i put them back?

Hi Ruud - as far as I can see, the pics have disappeared from ?   When I went direct to hpphoto, where you've saved your pics, it tells me that there is no image.

If you've checked that they're still there, I guess there's something wrong with the link coding here on A4A - but I don't see anythying wrong.

Not a great help?  Sorry!

All best - Gavin

Admin aka Dan:

Gavin is correct, the images no longer seem to exist on hpphoto.

When I enter the picture address in a web browser, I get an

Image can not be found

Error.  I'm afraid I don't know enough about hpphoto to help with the reasons they may have gone.



I know why mine disappear - I constantly 'tidy up' my photo albums & inadvertently wipe off the ones that I have put on the site! = Tim


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