Allotment Stuff > E-Buygumbay

Sheen X300 flame gun (not a brand new one)

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This was bought for me by my husband, but I'm not really sure that I am going to use it.

He bought it on E-bay. The e-bay ad showed a picture of it in working order with a jet of flame. I have NOT used it myself.

He paid £80

Is anyone interested in it for the same amount. Will do postage for free.



Throw it away tabbycat - please. These are disgusting things and don't belong in the hands of anyone who wants to be a gardener.
They kill all insects in the ground, including those which the earth really needs.
Should be banned.

Roy Bham UK:
??? Strange  ??? I've heard them described as being an organic way of destroying weeds ::) Your not suggesting that I should throw away my tiller as it chops up worms I hope. ???

Regardless of the for and against arguments of using or not using them, I can't afford to throw away that kind of money. That's a whole month's food shopping or petrol budget. :o

It was bought by my non-gardening OH. He heard me moaning about the weeds and how hard they were to keep on top of and he just thought he was helping.

 He's alreday upset that he's spent his hard earned money on something I won't use.

Throwing it away would really be rubbing salt into the wound! :(


I'm pretty sure Roy  that there are many things pretending to be organic.

An apparatus for burning insects to death and destroying humus can hardly be one of them - organic can basically only mean 'natural', and the only way for me personally to keep my weeds down is to hoe regularly and pluck them out.

Weeds are nature's way of covering and so protecting exposed soil, we only call them weeds, nature would call them plants.


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