Produce > Non Edible Plants

Marigolds and Petunias

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I sowed some marigolds and petunias last weekend, and they both germinated really well straight away.

They were both sown a little to densly in pots about 7cm or so.

The marigolds are getting all tall which is a bad thing isn't it? Should I pot them on now?

The petunias are teeny tiny how long before they should be big enough to pot on in to bigger pots.

Thanks, moggle

Mrs Ava:
I would carefully pot the Marigolds on if they are getting tall.  Are they growing indoors as the heat will encourage them to grow rapidly and spindly.  As for the petunias, aren't they just the tiniest seedlings ever!  They seem to be weeny for ages and ages and then suddenly start to get bigger.  I usually painstakingly pot my petunias on when they are that small, I end up with a headache and all tense!  Good luck!

Yes they are indoors, in my spare room. Should I try putting them ouside during the day or something like that?

The petunias are just too small to handle, I'll just have to wait a while.


I wouldn't put them out yet - it is very cold!

My tomatoes were looking a bit leggy, so I moved them to a cooler window ledge. Make sure they have plenty of light still.

Mrs Ava:
I agree with aqui, it is still very cold during the day, so a cooler room would probably be the best bet.


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