Produce > Edible Plants

showing runner beans

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i will have a look for the book. i fancy showing sweet peas and veg but there is little written on the subject. i will have to search some old bookshops for some. is exibiting a dying hobby as the local show gets smaller each year. we are hoping to get a society started at our allotment site and get some exibits in next year and also a small show among ourselves.
         the plotter

How about a bit of fun, have a contest for the biggest onion, swede, leek even pumpkin.

Get one of the lottie holders to buy a couple or so pkts of seeds and each one gets so many seeds to enter the game. If eveybody puts 50p to a pound in the kitty and end of the season the winners could get a little  trophy. The cash would boost the lottie funds or local charity. Teresa

great idea. have got 27 names now to start a society and still about 50 others to see so any ideas welcome.
       many thanks
          the plotter

Glad you liked the idea  ;D
gets you all together doing something. Let us know how your all doing. ;)
Some of my ideas work some dont :-/ should see hubbys face at times.
As for showing runner beans you can buy show seed special seed for entering shows in runner beans onions cabbages etc just cannot think of the name of the place that did them sorry. Teresa


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