Produce > Kept Animals


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Can we put worms and wormeries in here?

This section is for things that contribute in some productive sort of way towards producing things for the table. So if worms and a wormery contribute some way towards food, like making the compost to grow your veg in, then I don't see why not. A wormery is something I don't have and know little about so I certainly would be interested to know how it all works :)

Worms in a wormery are certainly kept, and if bees count as animals, why not worms?

One of the first pomes I remember reciting as a small child started..

"nobody loves me, everybody hates me,
I'm going down the garden to eat the worms"..

(thought you'd want to know that ::))

But if you're thinking of building your own, rather than buying a Wiggly W(r)igglers one, I remember that a long time ago - year before last, perhaps? - there was a method described somewhere here about constructing one from £1 shop storage bins......method was so good (and detailed) I kept it - to be lost in my recent PC crash.

Have a trawl, perhaps, if you're into making your own?

Hope this helps,



The Basics, page 87.

Take a look!

Cheers! 8)


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