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Photo gallery of our chickens

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Lady Cosmos:
Ketchup is beautiful, Jesse. I see you have a wooden run, and Sanders too.
Question: Do you think here is any advantage with  wooden one ( the Grsovenor Junior) an an eglu? Cost is nearly the same, I guess......Size i more or less the same, I guess......
Need another runand thinking about the eglu......... 

Lady Cosmos, our run is an area of the garden that is surrounded by a picket fence, the hen house sits within the run, it's not a ready bought integral one like Jerry's. We went this route so that the hens would have more space as I felt the integral house/runs that are available to buy were too confined especially if I wanted more hens as time goes on. I'm not sure if either of the runs (grosvenor vs eglu) has advantages over the other, I guess a lot of it is to do with what you like the look of. I believe from others that the eglu is very easy to clean. For a short while we had the chicks with mother hen kept away from the others in a small moveable run, with having to change it's position each day I can say it's worth looking for something that is easy to move or like Jerry has done add some wheels to make moving it easy. :)

Lady Cosmos:
Thanks Jesse,

The eggloo vs traditional debate is one that rages on poultry forums, you are either for one or the other it seems.

I looked the eggloo when we wanted to start with hens but opted for the grosvenor in the end, for a number of reasons.

Our house is larger and I was able to add chicken wire to the base of the run to stop mice/rats getting into the run and also stops the hens ripping up the lawn. Also in winter the run is moved onto hard standing and I cover the base of the run in 3 inches of wood chip, not bark, so they can scratch around in that.

My house also has the roosting area and nest boxes raised up so the hens have acess to a dry area underneath at all times. This is where I also have there feeder so this stays bone dry even in the worst of weather. This would not be so easy to do in the eggloo.

My house also has a removable/slide out floor to the house to make cleaning very very easy. The eggloo is also meant to be easy to clean but never tried to so cant really comment.

We currently only have 3 hens but this house is big enough for 6, especially as they free range for at least half the day with access to the garden and a small field.

The external nest boxes give more room in the house

Being made of wood in the main it is easy to add enhancements, the eggloo is plastic so not so easy to work with.

And I simply prefer the look of the more traditional house.

I am sure there are many advantages to the eggloo, being plastic cleaning should be a doddle and red mite wont find too many places to hide , but we just did not feel it was right for us.



Lady Cosmos:
Thanks Jerry, for your reply. The "dead"plastic is what  turns me off, so I have to think it over again, because I am not so handy with wood and wire.... give me plants and veggies ;D ;D, they obey me!!!


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