Produce > Edible Plants

Cultivating Rosemary

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I have dug a herb plot too big and plan too grow a big rosemary bush in the middle of it, and other herbs round the outside. I have access to another Rosemary bush for cuttings - what is the best way to start cultivating rosematy Now?

I have always found rosemary very easy to grow.  Just take heel cutting, which I have done either in Spring or Autumn, use rooting powder if you wish, and away it goes!  The most beautiful herb I think and not only do the bees love it great for cooking with also.

Hello! Rosemary really is easy to propagate, either by taking a heel as Suze said, or by layering - my preferred method. If you pin down a sizeable portion now it should be rooted by the spring. Actually mine self-layer, which is great.

I'm wondering, tho, about planting it in the centre of your herb will grow large...very large ;D in time.My original plant was given to me in '79 and is massive; the latest 'baby' is 3 years old and quite a strapping feller too. So mine are all put towards the edge of the plots...nice to brush by them.

Cheers! 'Lishka

I think a rosmary bush would make a good centre piece to a border, clip it into any shape you want and use the bits for cuttings. I,m also using it as edging but as Alishka says it gets VERY unruly and I frequently have fights with it.

Mrs Ava: what am I doing wrong?  I can get it growing from seed or cuttings real easy, but after a few months of growth, it withers and dies!  I have the same problem with lavender come to think of it.  ???  


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