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Net free protection of Soft Fruit

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There's an old allotment saying relating to soft fruit that says "If you don't net it, you don't get it".

However, I don't like using bird protection net, as it is often green or black and therefore invisible to birds who can then become entangled in it.  Consequently, I haven't been eating the fruits of my labours.... but last summer I experimented with horticultural fleece, with much success!

Strawberries were covered in the normal way, and the fleece weighted with timber or stones.

With the fruit bushes I placed a large square of fleece over the top of the bush, and held it in place by fixing it to the lower branches with clothes pegs.  It isn't necessary to entirely cover the bush from top to bottom - just enough to confound the birds!   Larger bushes may require two pieces of fleece

The only downside I found is that the fleece isn't very robust and can be punctured by the branches - but even hole-y fleece works in keeping the birds off.  I feel an experiment with old net curtains coming on next summer ....


Used net curtians this year only have 3 blackcurrent bushes in the garden but saw the black birds arriving so all I had was old net curtains saved enough fruit for a lovely tart.
you can buy nets cheep and  big ones from the second hand shops.

Yo T!  How's it hanging?  

Good idea re the charity shops!

I have grown currants ever since I have had my allotment, but last summer was the only one where I managed to get any fruit!  I've squirreled it away with my allotment blackcurrants, some blueberries from the garden and raspberries from the PYO farm and when the weather gets really foul, I'm going to have a summer moment......


;When you do, can you send me some cyber summer pudding, please!  Absolutely love it with lashings of cream!  Yummy ;D ;D ;D



Hi Kate
Good idea - we can have a cyber high tea!  Wonder what others will bring?   :D


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