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Skin and coat problems

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For the past couple of years we have been battling with our dogs skin and coat problems :'(

Have spent an absolute fortune at the vets and don't seem to be getting very far.  The problem is with our dog Bobbie - he lost alot of his fur (mainly on his face, tail and top of his back) and also his skin was very dry and scaley.

The vet reckons he has a zinc deficiencey and also is allergic to house dust mites, of all things :o  We have had loads of  blood tests taken and in the end it may turn out that he has to be treated for a thyroid problem.

I just wondered if anyone else has experienced anything like this with their pets and if so, what was the solution.  ??? Any ideas welcome.

ps Keep your lovely photos coming, or Dan may remove this forum if it is not used :)

Oh Pat dogs can throw a reaction to anything.
I had two westies he reacted to shake and vac should have seen his tummy.
She was the vet said mites under the skin and with tablets and shampoo controlled it but the coat never grew back propley. Had to change vets in the end I was so frustrated.
Food can be one so I changed to rice and boiled chicken,
flea bites can be another, which you cannot stop
the bedding?
Shampoo what is in it,

Yes Teresa - we changed our dogs onto James Wellbeloved Lamb & Rice food as this was recommended for all sorts of alergic conditions.   I know the vets have a hard time of it trying to diagnose skin and coat problems, it can be so many things, but it is very frustrating when you are spending loads of money and don't seem to be getting anywhere.

I have heard that Westies are prone to skin problems, we have a friend with one and  the vet has put her on some sort of steroid.  Wouldn't do for my boys I don't think - it would bring out the beast in them :o

Hi Pat

Have a look at this site and check out the others,

gives an insite to the mite which is a great problem in some dogs with delicate skin.

Thanks for the info Teresa, but I couldn't get into the site from your link :(

The vet has ruled out mites, so I don't think this is the problem.


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