Produce > Edible Plants

Wots a girl to do?

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Hi Doris
I was given some cabbage plants this summer and along with them some rhurbarb sticks. The chap showed me how to cut it into inch cubes and put into the hole before the plant. He said he did not have club root on his lottie but his neighbroughs did. The plants have been fine on my lottie this is my first year here. But you could always give them some rhubarb wine before you plant them hee hee

Well I have done an experiment! Some have lime, some have rhubarb(!) and some have both!! This should be interesting to see what happens, if they survive the slugs and the pidgeons  ;D

Found another Folklore thingy, if you have any soot mix it with the lime, that is supposed to help. No proportions given though. so a bit of guess work needed.

Soot, I have a bag of teh stuff care of my chimney being swept! plants are in now, but may mix some around a few to se what happens! Thanks Eric!  DP

I had clubroot problems this year but heard a gem of a cure/preventative measure that I'll try next year. Apparently club root is a soil surface speader so if you plant a bottomless plantpot in the soil making sure that the top of the pot pokes about an inch above the soil, fill it with clubroot free soil (maybe from a bought bag ?) and plant the seedling in this. Commercial growers cover the soil with plastic apparently and blow steam under to kill off the surface clubroot infection.


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