Produce > Edible Plants

Tomatoes - well, that's it!

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Hi Ina-it`s old bah humbug.

Good luck with the firlines-the GQT trial showed them to be nor more resistant than others.

Sorry :'(



--- Quote ---All our site has problems with tomatoes, I think I'll do what I did last year and grow my toms at home. Last year I had them in a bag in my garden but I think this year I'll try them on my sheltered balcony. I just need to figure out some kind of drip water system ???
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Something like this BB?

Try the firlines on your lottie next season, they may just work for you.


--- Quote ---Hi Ina-it`s old bah humbug.

Good luck with the firlines-the GQT trial showed them to be nor more resistant than others.

Sorry :'(

--- End quote ---

Don't be sorry Stephan. Other trials seem to have shown them to be more resistant and even that is not important. I've had my own trial and that counts for me. After four years of trying in my lottie, surrounded by other allotmenteers, some of them not taking blight in their potatoes seriously. I never stood a chance with my tomatoes when the blight happily spread around from affected potato plants that were not disposed of when they should have been. Last year I had great success with firlines so no humbug for me but plenty maters and tasty too. The ones on the balcony (see pictures) are not firline but they were back-ups in case the firlines didn't work.

BB, I had no drip system for my balcony bags, just guessed the feeding and watering with good results.

These are the firlines. Stoooopid that I didn't take a picture later when they were nice and red. Better next time.

- just LOVE the compost sacks! Trying pots on gro-bags next year.
And watering? Depends how often you're near them? - Tim


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