Produce > Edible Plants

Recipes needed.


Hi, I'm a  recent defector from the Beeb and was wondering if anyone  over here knows of any fruitarian recipes that I could use at Christmas?
My 24 year old son, David, eats only fruit, nuts, pulses, mushrooms and sprouted seeds. I find it quite hard to think up something new or different over the festive season. Thanks for taking the time to read this  message and I just hope someone has a few suggestions as I'm getting a headache trying to think of a meal to serve. ??? :-/

Eileen, that's a bit restrictive? Can we include any onions/garlic/chilli/oils/fats/veggies/usual-and-unusual herbs & spices/pasta etc. in our suggestions- or is it just as you've written? - Lishka

PS if it IS as you've written - what's his most fave dish of the moment??

Eileen, when my neice went vegetarian a few years ago, my sister used to make her a brazil nut roast for Christmas day, we all thought it was delicious, can try and get the recipe if you are interested! (have a funny feeling it is a Delia!) She is now no longer vegey, and tucks into the turkey, a bacon sandwich finally turned her back!! DP

Eileen, Its sounds as though we have similar Sons as my son eats a very restricted diet too.  His Christmas Meal is always:  Brandied and Ginger Orange cut into segments for Starters, Then a Huge Multi layered Salad, with every thing I can pile up and some sort of hard cheese, though he does like croquest potatoes and will sometimes have  a Yorkshire  Pudding too.

I thought of Pate too, as I am a veggie and only yesterday I made myself a chestnut pate, for my Christmas Lunch, which is very nice, though includes so many other ingredients.  There is also Lentil and Aubergine pate, but  again ingredients might contain things he won't eat.  

It is frustrating, but perhaps he would  just prefer what you gave him last year, whatever that was.  I know my Son doesn't like to deviate.  It is amazing he is six foot as he doesn't eat for that height.  Good Luck and I will keep scouring my Recipe Books for you, and get back if anything suitable catches my eye.  :)  busy_lizzie


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