Produce > Edible Plants

new seeds


yippee,my seeds for next year arrived - went a bit mad with Chase Organics - bought some treats and some oddities. My flower seeds arrived on Monday too, so I have been spending time just sitting, scrutinising the packets, spread all around me on the sofa. Fantastic - only have to wait till December/January for some things to get going!
Hey ho, Suzy

Yep great fun, mine arrived last Sunday from the allotment commette hand delivered. So now I know what I have Focus is next on the hit list hee hee. Might need a bigger lottie.

Mrs Ava:
What are we like!  Kids in a candy store!  Christmas comes early!   ;D ;D ;D

Christmas come birthday oh its lovely shopping for plants and seeds. :D
I have the perfect excuse I do our youngest sons garden as well as mother in laws and our own oh I can go mad. ;D
I even have hubby in tow tommore hee hee lets hope he remembers his wallet. Poor chap all he wants is french beans growing. :-[
ahhhhhhhhh I hear you say. :'( heeeeeeeeeeeeee
shopping here I come whoopee

i seriously asked for manure for my birthday present - black gold, pure horse!


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