Produce > Edible Plants

allotment novice !!

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I've just acquired my first ever allotment.  The soil has been dug, it's got a fence and a gate but nothing in it !!
Any hints or tips would be appreciated.
I would like to grow soft fruit ( blackberries/raspberries),
various vegetables, flowers etc etc
Where do I start??

Mrs Ava:
Lucky you!  dug, fenced and with a gate!  What a head start!

Advice will come pouring out from everyone now, so be ready!  

I would say, grow the fruits, veggies and flowers that you like.  Talk to other plot holders, you will be amazed at their generosity!  Start looking at seed catalogues and suppliers to get a feel of what you want, and how big a dent it is going to make in your pocket!

I get the impression from reading others posts that you should probably test the soils ph, but I never have mine - yikes!  There are things like deciding if and where you would plonk and shed, compost heap, water butts etc.......hmmmmm...okay, I am going to go now and leave the more learned to advise you, but I will say, congratulations, and welcome - there are loads and loads of great people here brimfull with knowledge and great advise!   ;D

Debs,  if you ask 50 gardeners about what you should grow and where, or where to site your water butt or your shed, you will get 50 different answers, and you may well finish up not agreeing with any of them.  Why not start by looking back through the various threads on the pages of this Board, and then do likewise on the Basics Board.  Just pick on any subject that interests you and read the postings.  That way you should get a wealth of ideas on how to set up your lottie, what to look for,  what to grow, and what to do about it. In fact, you`ll probably finish up knowing as much as the rest of us.  Once you have formulated some definite ideas on  what you want, and need some advice on them just ask.

Blimey, is there a cake shop and pub nearby too! Good for you though and you have certainly come to the right place - beware though, this site is addictive. In your place, I would start with the basics - the soil. Oh, this is a good time for planting raspberries too (hope so anyway cos I have just got mine in. Write a list of what you fancy and get posting. Luck!
Cheers, Suzy

yay! moved up from 'newbie' status - Happy with 'junior' - if you only knew - withered crone! :D
Cheers, Suzy


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