Produce > Edible Plants


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Thanks all. I'll tick them on my seed list tonight - order my seeds tomorrow at the organic gardening soc. I belong to - all half-price from Kings - anyone ever used them? Lishka

I planted celeriac for the first time this year.  they haven't grown big - I believe they must be started off early in the year for a long growing season.  But what I want to say is - the flavour is absolutely fantastic compared to the ones I've bought in the supermarket (admittedly they were old and going cheap).  I'll certainly be trying them again next year.

Thanks Em - I spoke to someone in the summer who'd grown it for the first time, and she said something similar. How early would 'early' be, tho?

And hello by the way.

;D Lishka

Thanks and hello too.  
I think I started mine off in single cells this year probably about March.  I think I'll do it in January next year although I do remember reading that an early sowing like that might make them bolt.  I'll try anyway.  Perhaps we could compare notes on how we all get on with our celeriac at the end of next season??


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