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Getting rid of blackberries

Started by redimp, April 05, 2005, 19:15:47

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The site for my small pond is near a patch of brambles.  I do not want this patch here anyway so I am thinking of digging it out.  I am aware that it is a nightmare to get rid of and for the sake of my pond liner, is there any steps I should take?  I am, if there is no other alternative, prepared to consider non-organic methods as it is a small area detached from food production and would be a one-off.
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)



Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)


undercarriage plan

Think I'd go with alternative methods!! My hubbie and I cleared aload of brambles to make lottie.  Only got rid of them through turning bit we dug up into lawn!! Regular mowing killed them off, but even now, I'm sure if we let grass grow they'd still be lurking there! I'm still fighting the ones in the lottie, 3 years later! Just needs one tiny bit of root left and....... :'( Best wishes Lottie


I agree with undercarriage plan. Remove as much of the roots as you can by hand, but be prepared to use systemic methods to combat any further surfacing of growth (and it WILL appear). These are the rare occasions when I feel that organic methods (and I am in that camp) struggle to deal effectively with the problem. Controlled use of a systemic poison will prevent contamination with any surrounding areas. I would recommend the use of a cut-off pop bottle top to spray the chemical locally. My neighbour has used this method effectively.

I wish you good luck!

undercarriage plan

Derek, Lottie, please ,please, please.... ;D


If you leave it to get some good growth as in plentyof leaves  then spray it with Roundup(glyphosphate) this will kill it. As it is a systemic control it needs to get on the leaves to be absorbed .So You will have to let it grow before spraying it  for success.  Cheers Jim
Cheers .. Jim

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