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What did you pick today

Started by Borlotti, August 10, 2015, 21:30:53

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Nothing yet, but I'm going down for some more Egremont Russet in a bit.



Dug up some more cara, some biguns too.   


I picked Kale shoots , they are just forming flower shoots  which I use like sprouting broccoli.

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Today I harvested perennial kale, dandelions, ground elder, a length of bramble stem, sticky weed, hawthorn, and fresh grass.

Most of that doesn't sound very tasty but I can assure you that my rabbits enjoyed it very much! ;)

Can't wait for more stuff to grow so I can go on foraging walks again. The bunnies love "wild" food and it's really good for them, and I really like collecting it for them.


Rocket, cress, kale and kale shoots (do we have the same kale Jeannine?) also leeks and four cornered leek.  Also ate a celeriac and squash and some potatoes from store.  :wave:


Hi Galina, I only have  a Red Russian and Lacinto this year... I say Red Russian but actually I have grown it from my own seed for so long with other types very close  it is probably a bit off, anyway it works well for me. The Lacinto is a commercial variety. Usually I pull the leaves off the RR unless I need the seed, but I let the Lacinto grow on and use it's shoots so it doesn't flower.. I have two RR plants at the moment whose stems have gone over to the ground and I noticed today  that they had rooted in. They were in pretty tight actually so I am unsure whether to pull them out like I usually do .  Any ideas?  Maybe I have a RR perennial on the horizon LOL.


Oh and  snipped a bit of young  garlic greens today too, it goes nicely in a salad and never seems to make any difference to my garlic.. just a bit mind!
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Quote from: Jeannine on March 24, 2016, 23:41:10
Hi Galina, I only have  a Red Russian and Lacinto this year... I say Red Russian but actually I have grown it from my own seed for so long with other types very close  it is probably a bit off, anyway it works well for me. The Lacinto is a commercial variety. Usually I pull the leaves off the RR unless I need the seed, but I let the Lacinto grow on and use it's shoots so it doesn't flower.. I have two RR plants at the moment whose stems have gone over to the ground and I noticed today  that they had rooted in. They were in pretty tight actually so I am unsure whether to pull them out like I usually do .  Any ideas?  Maybe I have a RR perennial on the horizon LOL.


Oh and  snipped a bit of young  garlic greens today too, it goes nicely in a salad and never seems to make any difference to my garlic.. just a bit mind!
I have this kale but I am not entirely sure of its identification.  Only one plant survived the first winter and is now pretty huge and I think in its third year.  The leaves look a little like cavalo nero and the flowers are white.  It has been producing broccoli like shoots for months now, very handy indeed.  The adult leaves are good but I am leaving them alone mostly, because the Daubentons have just started producing a few new leaves.  Last year I picked all the flowering kale shoots off it and it grew massively during summer and now has a 2 1/2 inch dia stem and many branches off it.  Will definitely root a few cuttings and just wish I knew what it was for sure.  I use it similarly to the way you use your Lacinato. 

Yes, green garlic. Very yummy.  for some reason I always find a few missed garlics - this year even in a place where I had garlic 2 years ago!  Nothing there last year!  And that is so nice, snipped over a piece of meat or over fried egg last minute.  It is good when the garden produces in winter too.  When there is always something to take and cook with.   :sunny: 


Hi Galina, oh my goodness how exciting, I am sorry I can't help you identify it for you maybe it is a Lacinto that has just adapted to you like my RR. There are so many kales but I find the Lacinto seems to be on it's own. There are many that look like the Red Russian< I have a catalogue in front of me and there are 4 that look like RR. In fact looking at them I can see mine is a cross as the leaves are much more toothed and lacey than  the true Red Russian.

I envy you with your Daubentons, if you remember I tried very hard to get a perennial garden going and I did  it but we moved and the community garden was just too far for me to go with Joh so I lost the lot. I sowed the Daubenton seeds from the HSL catalogue last wek and some have germinated  so I am thrilled about that, and then  I saw a tiny bit of green poking out of a pot I had put nine star  in so another  thrill. Sadly the perennial leeks and potato onions  etc were all lost.

Here I have 5   3 foot x 8 foot raised beds 2 feet high but they are a tad shaded, then I have a great greenhouse in the sun  so I am OK there, after that I have gravel areas I can put large pots on so with all of that I think I will have enough to play with. It is always a tough choice though and of course my beloved squash and corn don't get too much chance. I miss having the space to do my potatoes and some nice big brassicas bit I can manage.

You have me curious now, I wonder what your kale is.

You didn't get one from Real Seeds did you. My Lacinto looks a bit like a palm tree right now and they had one that was described like that, I have it  and I think it is  called Paul and Becky's or something like that. I love a mystery to solve.

Hows things generally with you and yours. I am so out of touch with everyone.

Galina I will let one flower shoot bloom and see what colour the flowers are.

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.



You've got me searching Jeannine and the above photo of a mature Lacinato kale plant looks very similar to my kale.  Yes I'd be very interested to know what colour your flowers are.

I know for sure that I have not bought seeds under this name.  I have a vague memory of having got seeds called 'Westfalian' kale or 'Asparagus' kale from HSL and it could be that one, but for some reason I failed to make an entry in my garden book on planting out and then lost the label.  Very annoying because this kale is definitely one of the longer living varieties, tricky to get through the first winter (only one plant), but so many broccoli type shoots last year and tons in 2016 too and many more to come.  In fact we are currently on the side-shoots, all the main shoots were harvested weeks ago.  For a kale that seemed a bit tricky to get through the first winter, it has redeemed itself wonderfully. 

I will take cuttings to continue because the main plant may not make another year.   :wave:

I forgot the celery - this has also come through winter.  I have started growing celery as a perennial from the tiny plants that emerge at the base of a plant that has flowered and my oldest clump is now 3 years old.  When we had the warmer winter conditions the celery responded with loads of new stalks, but at the moment it has all stalled again.  Still, there is useful picking for salads, together with the endive and lambs lettuce from the greenhouse and rocket and landcress which has just gone crazy.  Similar thing with the spring onions - some shot up and even had flower buds earlier in the year, these I removed and we used them in the cooking and now everything has slowed down again but there is a little for picking and some chives as well.   :icon_cheers:


Glaina I did a bit of searching before I went to bed and found that most kale have yellow flowers which I know fade after a while but could not find anything definitive about the white..

I will leave one on. XX Jeannine

Oh and the other thing that kale has lots of names. Lacinto, Lacinato, Dino, Dinosaur and several more I don't remember. I think there is a darker version but I am not sure if it is the same or not.

When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Galina did you perchance get the  Spis Bladene from HSL, it is a perennial Klae, large leaves and has a white flower. Could that be it

if not we need to find this one  too XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Quote from: Jeannine on March 25, 2016, 18:50:45
Galina did you perchance get the  Spis Bladene from HSL, it is a perennial Klae, large leaves and has a white flower. Could that be it

if not we need to find this one  too XX Jeannine

No definitely did not have that one - excepting a mislabelled seed envelope or that sort of thing.  Waiting to see (impatiently) what colour your flowers are.  They are white, not fading, just really white and you can see it before the buds open. 
I just go with the traditional Italian name, I think Dino etc is from one of the US seed companies, who annoyingly often feel the need to rename anything slightly difficult to spell or pronounce.  This can get quite confusing. 


 Oh Boy Galina.. talk about annoying.

As there is a bit of chat about kales going around at the moment and I am confused about many I thought I would make a list with AKA's etc. I would include the perennial cabbages as many folks call them kales and figure out which has which latin name..

I now have a list 2 pages long!!! I am certain that many are just names folks have given to their own , I guess I could give mine a name too and add it to the list..but I won't.

There are many I have never heard of that do sound interesting so maybe I will carry it forward a bit but it seems like a big job.

Some seem to be bred from genuine breeders but it is clear that some are not and I think they are just different names for regular well known ones.

I did find a good bit more about Western Front that I knew though, it is pretty much perennial.

I think maybe I will start a kale chat post though as I am taking over the" what did you pick today post"

I have a flower in my hand, still closed but am opening it.. Galina at this point I would say it is yellow but it is  technicalyl it is sort od greeny cream so maybe it is a bit soon, I will keep looking.

So what did I pick today....kale!!!
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Parsnips, this one was "Palace"... I hadn't thinned them so there was a lot of waste... but more than enough to go round. Also some pak choi,  red mustard, spinach beet, carrots and cabbage.


I'm down to PSB, a few leeks, last few brussels and some dodgy looking savoy cabbage.  Spuds and squash in storage so just about make a meal..
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!

Mike J

Purple sprouting broccoli,  producing lots now, still curly kale and spinach available too, everything else gone now. Looking forward to planting new season stuff.


I'm out of leeks now - but I've got PSB, Chard that has overwintered great, parsley and land cress still coming.


Over the weekend I dug some parsnips, I thought I'd cleared them all, but I found a short row. They were lovely roasted. Also about the last of the celeriac, they are starting to sprout now. Had another picking of purple sprouting, it's just starting to get going.
Seed Circle site
My Blog, Mostly Tomato Mania

Tee Gee

Picked a Purple Cape Cauli and will have the last of last years potatoes on my plate this evening.


I've run out of Purple Cape, but still have some spuds. Picked Leeks, Cabbage, parsnips and carrots.. cleared out the Swede bed, and despite the slugs got enough for some mixed root mash.  :wave:

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