A place for newbies to introduce themselves.

Started by Jeannine, March 12, 2010, 12:54:10

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Hi to all.

Thought we say hello....we did a daft thing the other night...we phoned the sec of the village allotments and asked to join the waiting list for a plot.
Ye Gods what have we done??...no more home brewing, lazy Sat afternoon cooking a chilli or curry or going for a blast on the bike d**n & curse it.  :'(

No we are looking forward to it... ;D   we have a small garden...we got hold of a 10x8 greenhouse off Flebay  just before chrimbo so that is now up & running with all salad crops....also we have french beans, runner beans, carrots, peas, leeks, onions, garlic, chilli, & peppers.....straws...oh and one raspberry cane up the top end.

We tried 2 lots of spuds last year but alas no good...we will wait till we get the plot and see what the other guys & gals grow...any road up we will be sneaking about the forum picking up any tit-bits that may come our way.

All the best...may all you grow win a prize..... ;)

Drinking rum before 11am doesn't make you an alcoholic, it makes you a Pirate.   


Drinking rum before 11am doesn't make you an alcoholic, it makes you a Pirate.   


My first allotment, and at my age, my daughter reckons that I need my head testing.   Perhaps she is right as it is a single plot on a new parish council site, a couple of miles away,  that came ploughed and was like trying to flatten the Alps, it took two weeks nigh on did for me.   

I got it in late February and after the early preparation have gradually made plots within it as I need them, it's now nearly full of vegetables, we ate the first cauliflower last night - it was wonderful.  I've got the shed up plus a water butt, as of yet the water supply is not laid on, they say a month or so. 

I have four water butts at home and have managed to be nearly self sufficient on the water front by filling containers and shipping them up in my wife's car, but I think that my cauliflowers and potatoes have suffered from under watering. 

As I indicated, this is my first allotment, although I have a small greenhouse and grow potatoes in containers, I know very little about the whys  and wherefores of 'allotmenteering', so let me apologise at the outset for what will seem to be stupid questions, but as my now dear departed Dad used to say, "if you don't know, ask", so I will.

I'm looking forward to my membership, I'm sure that I will find it extremely useful and I do hope to be able to make a contribution along the line.


Welcome to A4A.  I think we all need our heads testing.   I took mine on two years ago and love it.    Nice to hear about new parish council sites.


Hello and a big to all new members that have joined since the last time I said hello and welcome! ;D ;D


Thanks for the welcome Jeannine, and everyone else too. we got a brand new Parish council allotment too back in April. Wish ours had come ploughed... and with more than 4 inches of topsoil over the bedrock  :-[ . Still, we have some good stuff growing and have had some nice peas and cabbage, as well as lots of sweet peas, and the first cucumber out of the greenhouse this week  ;D. I look forward to picking all your brains in the future  ;)


Hello and welcome to recent newies, looking forward to seeing you about the forum  :)
Seed Circle site http://seedsaverscircle.org/
My Blog, Mostly Tomato Mania http://mostlytomatomania.blogspot.co.uk/


Hi All
I'm Mike and an allotment holder for 32 years so you can guess that I'm a bit old. I'm presently the chair of Newcastle Allotments Working Group set up in 1999 to assist council officers in the management of all Newcastle's allotment sites. The group consists of representatives of groups of sites elected by the the sites themselves. I have run my plot on an organic basis from the outset and have deep-beds on a no-dig system.
I look forward to joining you all in the discussions and advice forums.




Welcome to all the recent Newbies! Hope the rain isn't frustrating you too much!



I have been lurking for a few days and am very pleased to find a forum where people are interested in growing vegetables.

I enjoy growing and cooking and was allocated an allotment last year after six years on the waiting list.  The first year was mostly clearing the perennial weeds that had been rotavated in (some are still popping up) and the small willow that had decided to grow in the middle.  We invested in a couple of Azadas and have made good progress.

I am now getting used to the idea that space is not the problem.  We have a small garden and I had been producing squashes, beans, peas, and a few other usefull ingredients.  To be able to plant rows of things is a still making me grin widely.

Pleased to meet you all



Welcome to A4A Ophi.   This is my third summer with a lottie and I also love to have more space.  I am also growing things that just got squeezed out of the garden. 


Hello and please to meet you too  ;D...6 yrs in waiting list..phew!..no wonder you are grinning now. Its like winning gold medal.
Sounds like you've had good start although it must been good work out. But as you are still at it after first year...you are now proper allotmenteer..been tested with the first hurdle..I bet your are ready for rewards with crops.. ;) What have you been cropping so far?
Now that you've posted your first message hopefully you don't face another 6yrs on 'waiting list' when trying to get your word between our rattling ;D ;)..jump in and rattle back..that's what its all about..oh and there is not such a thing as 'silly questions'..if you don't know, just ask.. ;)


So far we have had carrots, beetroot, spinach, broad beans, and our first courgette today.  The climbing peas now have pods on and are starting to fill.

It is enjoyable just popping to the allotment for veg rather than the supermarket.


So pleased that you are enjoying it Ophi. Careful though co you could run the risk of becoming addicted. I think I can already see the signs (grinning at beetroot and courgettes) ;D
When I get old I don't want people thinking
                      "What a sweet little old lady"........
                             I want em saying
                    "Oh Crap! Whats she up to now ?"


Welcome to the madhouse Ophi, looks like you bought the best tools for the job, it took me 5/6 growing seasons before I invested in a Azada, I take it to bed with me now, OH's not too happy though.    ;)


Welcome Mike & Ophi. 

Don't become lurkers, jump on in and get posting all over the board ;) ;D

Number Six

Hi. I'm brand new to the Forum and almost as new to gardening. Strictly speaking, my patch in Lincolnshire is not an allotment - it's a strip in a field backing onto my garden that I bought off a farmer to keep me busy during my retirement. Hope this means that I can still be part of your group as I've always found it to be the best site for hints and tips. My main interest is in vegetables, but I've also planted some small fruit trees, raspberries and gooseberries, and have 4 hens (3 of which are laying). This is my first real year of gardening, and I've been relying heavily on a book ("Allotment month by month" by Alan Buckingham) and the internet. Looking forward to joining in, if a non-allotmenteer is allowed!


Welcome..I have been a bit tardy on this posting so please all the newbies forgive me..

All you need is a parcel of land..whatever it is called it grows veggies and stuff..so go ahead and enjoy your new garden.

Wow waiting so lomg for a spot, well good for you and your patience, have fun

Super to see new names..

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


it's a strip in a field backing onto my garden Ohhhh...you own piece of land..how wonderful!
Of course you are welcome...we have all manner of growers here..with or without allotment.. ;)
Was you piece of land 'plank canvas'?
Sounds like you have really had a good start for your venture..chickens, fruit trees and bushes and veg..nothing like bit of goodlife..eh? ;) ;D


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