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Spring is sprung

Started by Palustris, December 30, 2003, 20:55:17

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Spring is sprung
The grass is ris!
I wonder where the birdies is?
Some say the bird is on the wing,
But that's absurd!
The wing is on the bird.
Thank you Ogden Nash.
The first (or last? Snowdrop is open in our Wood.
Will post a photo if the sun ever shines on it.
Gardening is the great leveller.


Gardening is the great leveller.


I heard one of my Canaries warming up to sing this morning.
Earth fills her lap with treasures of her own.


Daft thing is, that there is over an inch of ice on the ponds.
Gardening is the great leveller.


Everythings frozen solid here.I'm having to put fresh water in the Aviary several times a day as it is freezing up .
Earth fills her lap with treasures of her own.


We have very accomplished skating ducks!. ::)
Gardening is the great leveller.

Mrs Ava

Wow, snowdrops already!  Mine have been peeping thru for a while, but no colour yet.  My primulas though, wow, they look like cabbages!  They have put on masses and masses of crunchy green leaves so I am hoping for a spectacular show.  There are hebes and pulmanaria in still in flower and yet my pansy's have all shrivelled and gone goooooeeeeee.  I am glad to say we haven't had frost in this part of Essex now for a couple of weeks.

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