results past vegetable garden planning contests.

Started by historygardening, January 06, 2025, 20:02:39

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here are several diagrams from several vegetable garden planning
contest from the past. the diagrams are from the past some
over 70 years old . so they may not suit current growing Ideas
but they should be helpful in inspiring you 2025 garden plans.
they posted over several day to allow people to comment on each
or could start separate threads for each one but that depend on
response each gets. I will include the bibliographic source
for each.

 Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph
Sun, May 09, 1943 ·Page 36
diagram creator jack Duckworth age 14
$100 plan - Copy.jpg



Thank you. It's interesting to see the varieties grown during WW2 in US. Several of these are still grown today, eg. Marglobe tomato, Kentucky Wonder bean, Fordhook Giant chard. Others I personally haven't heard of, eg. Grand Rapids lettuce and Early Anna tomato. I haven't googled to see whether they're still known of, though.

I presume the feet references down the left hand side are separation distances. They seem quite generous but I imagine the rows are long rows. Many gardeners today grow in narrower beds so can probably decrease the planting distances.


this but one of about 6 contest entry diagrams in my collection
if post all diagrams in my collection from various sources there
would be over 400 from 1890-2014. I will post other contest entry
winner in few days.


Dayton Daily News
Sun, Apr 23, 1933 ·Page 21

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