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Started by jesssands, April 14, 2024, 23:39:42

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Just a quick question please.
I have a pot that is bursting with narcissus bulbs.
They were kept in a hot old peoples home until they finished flowering.
I've got them at home now. Wondering, if to store them indoors until autumn for planting outside or plant them outside now?
Sorry for many years of absence on here. My life has been ridiculous!



If they are really overcrowded, they don't mind being a bit "cosy", I would repot them in larger pot and plant the whole thing outside in the garden. You can dig it up early next year. If taking it in I would wash the soil off and pot up again to take indoors to avoid slug and creepy crawlies on the window sills!


We often buy Narcissus bulbs in pots when the stores sell them off after flowering. They do better planted out in the garden now and given a liquid feed. Don't cut off the leaves as they are needed to feed the bulbs for next time.
Gardening is the great leveller.


Thank you both for tips.
I will get them outside.
There's so many squeezing into a round pot its almost square!

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