All other things

Started by merv, October 03, 2003, 16:23:59

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Thanks Dan :)

Hiya guys :D

I think this is not just about the Allotment Movement in a sort of Political term, but more of a resource and information area.

Questions that bring up Rentals, Tenancy Agreements and Rights of Access will find a ready home here.

Allotment Law can be discussed; current thinking in LGA Good Practice, Devolved Management and are we consulted and involved in the Local Plan can be included.

I mean there are little things like how much of our plot must be devoted to Veg or flowers? Why is it usually against the law to grow rhubarb?

I'm sure There's loads of peeps on this board that can help with any questions.

I do believe that the future of Allotments is in the hands of people like us, that take the time and effort to question things, and not just go with the flow.  I know there are places like Kitchen Garden and QED, but let's help ourselves.


Mrs Ava

A great section idea Merv, and reminds me that I have no idea who owns our lottie land!  We have never had a contract, just agreed it with the site secretary lady.  It has reminded me to go and see her over the weekend and just check where we stand, I don't want to put in all this hard work to have it all taken away by developers in 6 months time!  


hehehe  :)

A success at strike one  ;D

goody.......         Interesting point.  Site Secretary.

On sites that have Associations with Constitutions and a Committee, the Secretary is an officer of that Association.

On sites that don't have an Association, the Site Secretary is generally the go-between, between the Landlord and the Tenants.

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