Charity Photo Competition

Started by daveyboi, December 05, 2018, 13:23:17

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Just for fun at this time of year and a change from our normal competitions.

The subject is quite simply "CHRISTMAS"

I will donate £25.00p to the winner's choice of charity as a reward.

Hopefully we will have some lovely seasonal pictures to choose from.

Entries to be in by end of the day on the 18th of December please.

Either send me a pm with your picture or email to me at ramjamman at hotmail dot com (make sure you include your user name if using email please)

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Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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What a great up-cheering idea, daveyboi!  Yes please!
I was going to say I'd chip in too, then thought perhaps no, as that just puts unfair pressure on anyone who is struggling at the moment in the run-up to Christmas, and it's much more important that as many of us as possible put in an entry.  Also I wouldn't want to commit to donating to a charity and then find out it is the "West country retired home for snails" or similar! So i'll wait and see, but will definitely submit a photo.


What an incredible kind thing to do.


Quote from: Peanuts on December 05, 2018, 21:38:01
Also I wouldn't want to commit to donating to a charity and then find out it is the "West country retired home for snails" or similar!

Snails I wouldn't mind but hopefully isn't slugs :)

Although some slugs are quite beautifully colored
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Quote from: pumpkinlover on December 05, 2018, 22:22:21
What an incredible kind thing to do.

I was thinking of reviving our secret santa again this year but I did not think we now have enough regular users to make it work so decided to do this instead.
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Two entries in already and very interesting they are as well

Get snapping soon or look back through your albums

Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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Hope you are all out snapping away for your entry just 6 days to go now
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3 Entries in now
Hopefully we will get some more in the next 3 days

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Very grey and wet here so no chance of any photos.  Stying in and keeping warm and dry is the order of the day.
Obxx - Vendée France


Quote from: Obelixx on December 15, 2018, 13:47:51
Very grey and wet here so no chance of any photos.  Stying in and keeping warm and dry is the order of the day.

Maybe be inventive like a pile of oranges with some tinsel around them or a few Christmas cards and a mince pie
A pet with a Christmas tag etc.

Even a Bah Humbug maybe  :happy7: :happy7:

The Christmas theme was used in the broadest sense and not specific to allotments or outdoors  :toothy10: :toothy10:
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Thanks for your entry Obelixx  very creative entry

A4A Members see post above if you need some hints for your entry
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2 days left to get your entries in now

Another one received yesterday thank you
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