My new personal best

Started by chriscross1966, October 16, 2015, 13:25:14

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It's 82.5kg but there is a bit of pallet that it grew through stuck to it at the moment, if I allow a bit off for that it's a around 176lbs...



I'd just like to be the first to say....

Goodness, that's a big one!

My garden is smaller than your Rome, but my pilum is harder than your sternum!


Huge! What kind is it and will you be baking skads of pumpkin pies?
The handle on your recliner does not qualify as an exercise machine.


Congratulations. If that was me I would be dead chuffed.


Congratulations, that monster weighs more than twice as much as me. I hope you can roll it around rather than pick it up!


Quote from: GrannieAnnie on October 16, 2015, 19:31:13
Huge! What kind is it and will you be baking skads of pumpkin pies?

Um its' my own selection from some seeds that Slyfox-mal (I think) sent me a few years ago. Basically it's big thing is how hardy the foliage is compared to some. the plant is still going strong and there might well be a couple of smaller fruits to play with for Halloween. Not really suitable for eating (or at least not the flesh).... I will be getting the seeds back from my brother after his kids have had their fun, and assuming there's enough of them I will be roasting a few, they're enormous things too... then to see if I can 't make a better pace for them next year... bigger pile of poo for a start, and hopefully negotiate with new plot neighbour for chicken manure...


well done chris that beats my 122lb  :blob7: :blob7:
johhnyc015  may the plot be with you

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